English MCQ Chapter 12 Safety Saves Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. How did the woman take Kunal to the doctor?She called an ambulanceShe took him on her scooterShe asked someone else to helpShe guided him to the clinicQuestion 1 of 142. What should children avoid while traveling in a bus?Reading booksJumping off a moving busTalking to othersPaying attention to announcementsQuestion 2 of 143. What should never be put out of a moving vehicle?BagsHeads or handsShoesBooksQuestion 3 of 144. What silent letter exists in the word "knit"?ktniQuestion 4 of 145. What is an adverb?A describing wordA word that modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverbA naming wordA connecting wordQuestion 5 of 146. Why did Kunal start crying after jumping off the bus?He lost his penHe was badly injuredHe missed his schoolHe was scolded by the old manQuestion 6 of 147. What should children or youngsters without a license avoid?Walking on pavementsRiding two-wheelersTaking a busWearing a helmetQuestion 7 of 148. Which safety measure is mentioned for car travel?Never eat while drivingAlways wear seat beltsCarry extra luggageOpen windowsQuestion 8 of 149. How should one cross the road?By running across quicklyBy following othersAt a zebra crossing after checking for vehiclesAnywhere the road seems emptyQuestion 9 of 1410. What did the woman remind Kunal about safety?Always hurry to be on timeBetter safe than sorryNever trust strangersNever ask for helpQuestion 10 of 1411. What is the silent letter in the word "listen"?ltnsQuestion 11 of 1412. What word is formed by adding “-ly” to “careful”?CarelesslyCarefullyCarefulfulCarefulnessQuestion 12 of 1413. What should you never do while riding in a vehicle?Sit quietlyFollow the rulesPut your head or hand out of the windowWear a seatbeltQuestion 13 of 1414. What lesson did Kunal learn at the end of the story?To reach school on timeTo be safe and carefulTo listen to his teachersTo avoid strangersQuestion 14 of 14 Loading...
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