English MCQ Chapter 10 The Story of A Bicycle Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. What does riding a bicycle promote?LazinessFitnessNoise pollutionFuel consumptionQuestion 1 of 152. How does the bicycle help the environment?By making it noisierBy keeping it pollution-freeBy using petrolBy being difficult to useQuestion 2 of 153. What was the 'boneshaker' known for?Smooth rideRough rideEco-friendlinessHigh speedQuestion 3 of 154. Who is sitting with Rohan in the garden?GrandmaGrandpaReshmaArmanQuestion 4 of 155. What accident did Grandpa face?Slipped in the bathroomFell from a bicycleTripped over a chairFell from a treeQuestion 5 of 156. What did Grandpa injure in the accident?His handHis headHis footHis backQuestion 6 of 157. What mistake in the letter did Rohan correct regarding the date?6 July 20177 July 20178 July 20179 July 2017Question 7 of 158. Why did Rohan want to leave the letter unfinished?To watch cartoonsTo play in the gardenTo meet ArmanTo help GrandpaQuestion 8 of 159. What show did Rohan mention in his letter?PokémonDoraemonTom and JerryChhota BheemQuestion 9 of 1510. How is the bicycle beneficial to health?It is a fuel-driven vehicleIt requires physical effort to rideIt causes noise pollutionIt reduces fitnessQuestion 10 of 1511. What was the name of the improved machine built in 1861?Hobby HorseBoneshakerChain BicycleRubber RiderQuestion 11 of 1512. Who was busy talking to Grandpa in the garden?GrandmaReshmaArmanRohanQuestion 12 of 1513. Why is it easy to park a bicycle?It requires a large spaceIt is lightweight and smallIt runs on fuelIt is used for long distancesQuestion 13 of 1514. What is the meaning of the word ‘rear’?FrontBackSideTopQuestion 14 of 1515. Which type of wheels were first added to improve the ride quality of bicycles?Wooden wheelsRubber wheelsSteel wheelsAlloy wheelsQuestion 15 of 15 Loading...
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