English MCQ Chapter 10 The Story of A Bicycle Class 6 UP Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 6th 1. Who built the first bicycle?A ScotsmanA FrenchmanA GermanAn AmericanQuestion 1 of 202. When was the first bicycle built?1816186118791885Question 2 of 203. What material was the first bicycle made of?IronSteelRubberWoodQuestion 3 of 204. What was the first bicycle called in England?Hobby HorseBoneshakerBicycleTwo-wheelerQuestion 4 of 205. Who improved the Hobby Horse?MacmillanHarry LawsonA FrenchmanAn AmericanQuestion 5 of 206. What feature did Macmillan add to the Hobby Horse?Rubber wheelsPedals connected to the rear wheelA metal frameA chain driveQuestion 6 of 207. Why was the 1861 French bicycle called the 'boneshaker'?It had no seatIt was very fastIts wooden wheels gave a rough rideIt was difficult to steerQuestion 7 of 208. Who built the modern bicycle in 1879?MacmillanHarry LawsonA GermanA FrenchmanQuestion 8 of 209. How was the modern bicycle powered?By a motorBy pedalingBy a chain connected to the rear wheelBy pushing with feetQuestion 9 of 2010. Why is the bicycle considered eco-friendly?It uses petrolIt produces noiseIt does not require fuelIt has a motorQuestion 10 of 2011. Which profession does NOT commonly use bicycles in India?MilkmanNewspaper boyHawkerDoctorQuestion 11 of 2012. What is one benefit of using a bicycle?It is expensiveIt keeps the rider's body fitIt pollutes the environmentIt needs regular fuelQuestion 12 of 2013. What is another name for the first bicycle?Rubber HorseHobby HorseEco BicycleChain DriveQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the pronunciation of 'hawker' mentioned in the text?HawkHawkerHawkaHawkaarQuestion 14 of 2015. What was added to bicycles to make them smoother?Wooden wheelsRubber wheelsSteel framesPedalsQuestion 15 of 2016. Which year did a Frenchman improve the bicycle design?1816186118791900Question 16 of 2017. What is the pronunciation of 'saddle'?SaddlSadlSaddleSaddilQuestion 17 of 2018. What word is defined as 'safety and ease in parking'?Pollution-freeEco-friendlyCompanionBicycleQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the word 'companion' mean?A rivalA friend or partnerA vehicleA toolQuestion 19 of 2020. Which cricketer is described as popular in an example?MS DhoniVirat KohliSachin TendulkarRohit SharmaQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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