Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 6th
Short Questions
1. What kind of boy was Kunal?
- Kunal was a careless boy.
2. Why did Kunal need a pen?
- Kunal needed a pen to write his English test.
3. What happened when Kunal ran to catch the bus?
- He jumped onto the running bus, which was dangerous.
4. What did the old man say about running buses?
- The old man said catching a running bus is dangerous.
5. Why did Kunal jump off the bus?
- He realized he was on the wrong bus.
6. What happened when Kunal jumped off the moving bus?
- He got injured and narrowly escaped being hit by a scooter.
7. What did the woman on the scooter do to help Kunal?
- She took him to the doctor.
8. What lesson did Kunal learn?
- Kunal learned it is better to be safe than sorry.
9. What poem did the woman recite to Kunal?
- A safety poem about traffic rules and being careful.
10. What is the moral of the story?
- Being careful and following safety rules prevents accidents.
Long Questions
1. Describe the incident when Kunal jumped off the moving bus.
- Kunal realized he was on the wrong bus, jumped off, got injured, and narrowly avoided a scooter accident.
2. What advice did the woman on the scooter give Kunal, and how did she help him?
- She advised him to follow traffic rules, stay safe, and took him to the doctor when he was injured.
3. Summarize the lesson Kunal learned through his experience.
- Kunal learned to be cautious, follow safety rules, and avoid carelessness to prevent accidents.
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