Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 6th
Short Questions
1. When was the first bicycle built?
Answer : The first bicycle was built in 1816.
2. Who improved the ‘Hobby Horse’?
Answer : A Scotsman named Macmillan improved the Hobby Horse.
3. Why was the bicycle called the ‘boneshaker’?
Answer : It was called the boneshaker because its wooden wheels gave a rough ride.
4. Who built the modern bicycle, and when?
Answer : Harry Lawson built the modern bicycle in 1879.
5. Why is the bicycle eco-friendly?
Answer : It does not use fuel and reduces noise and pollution.
6. What material was the first bicycle made of?
Answer : The first bicycle was made of wood.
7. How was the ‘Hobby Horse’ ridden?
Answer : The rider pushed his feet against the ground.
8. What improvement did Macmillan add to the bicycle?
Answer : He added pedals connected to the rear wheel.
9. What keeps a bicycle rider fit?
Answer : Riding a bicycle keeps the rider’s body fit.
10. Why is a bicycle easy to park?
Answer : A bicycle is small and does not require much space.
Long Questions
1. Describe the evolution of the bicycle from the ‘Hobby Horse’ to the modern bicycle.
Answer : The ‘Hobby Horse’ was wooden, Macmillan added pedals, and Harry Lawson added a chain drive in 1879.
2. What makes the bicycle a good companion for the common man?
Answer : The bicycle is fuel-free, easy to park, keeps riders fit, and is eco-friendly.
3. How did the Frenchman improve the bicycle in 1861?
Answer : He made it better but rough to ride, so it was called the ‘boneshaker.’
4. Why do many educated young people use bicycles today?
Answer : They use bicycles for environmental concerns and fitness.
5. What are the benefits of using a bicycle for the environment?
Answer : It keeps the environment clean by reducing noise and air pollution.
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