MCQ Chapter 9 Class 12 English Poetry Short Poems UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening 1. When was Robert Frost born?1865187418851894Question 1 of 202. Where was Robert Frost born?New YorkBostonSan FranciscoLondonQuestion 2 of 203. What was the name of Frost's first poem?A Boy’s WillTwilightMy ButterflyMending WallQuestion 3 of 204. Which prize did Robert Frost win in America?Nobel PrizePulitzer PrizeBooker PrizeNational Book AwardQuestion 4 of 205. When did Robert Frost die?1965196319741960Question 5 of 206. What is the title of the poem?Mending WallBirchesStopping By Woods on a Snowy EveningA Boy’s WillQuestion 6 of 207. What is the setting of the poem?A summer afternoonA winter eveningA spring morningAn autumn duskQuestion 7 of 208. What does the poet find attractive about the woods?Their darknessTheir beauty and snowThe animals within themTheir sizeQuestion 8 of 209. What does the poet prefer at the end of the poem?Staying in the woodsGoing homeRiding furtherSleeping under the starsQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the hidden meaning of the poem?Nature’s beautyThe inevitability of deathJourney of life must continueIsolationQuestion 10 of 2011. Who owns the woods in the poem?The poetA villagerA strangerNo oneQuestion 11 of 2012. Why does the horse think it is strange to stop?There is no farmhouse nearbyIt is coldThe woods are darkIt is not their destinationQuestion 12 of 2013. What does the horse do to express its confusion?Snorts loudlyShakes its harness bellsStops walkingLooks aroundQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the sound described in the poem apart from the bells?Rustling leavesWind and snowflakesBirdsongFootstepsQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the poet repeat in the final lines?Promises to keepMiles to go before I sleepThe woods are lovelyDark and deepQuestion 15 of 2016. What does “downy flake” refer to?Hard snowSoft snowFeathersFrosty windQuestion 16 of 2017. What does “sleep” symbolize in the poem?Actual sleepEternal rest or deathLazinessRelaxationQuestion 17 of 2018. Which literary device is used in “The woods are lovely, dark, and deep”?SimileAlliterationPersonificationMetaphorQuestion 18 of 2019. What tone does the poem convey?JoyfulReflectiveAngrySadQuestion 19 of 2020. Which word describes the woods in the poem?LovelyEmptyDullSilentQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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