MCQ Chapter 8 Class 12 English Poetry Short Poems UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12My Heaven 1. Where was Rabindranath Tagore born?DelhiCalcuttaMumbaiChennaiQuestion 1 of 202. In which year was Tagore awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature?1915190119131921Question 2 of 203. What is the title of the book from which the poem "My Heaven" is taken?The GardenerGitanjaliThe Crescent MoonLover’s GiftQuestion 3 of 204. Tagore resigned his knighthood to protest which incident?Partition of BengalJallianwala Bagh MassacreSalt MarchQuit India MovementQuestion 4 of 205. Which of these is a famous play written by Tagore?ChitraGoraThe KabuliwallahFruit GatheringQuestion 5 of 206. What does the poem "My Heaven" primarily depict?A peaceful worldAn ideal countryA heavenly place after deathA story of freedom fightersQuestion 6 of 207. What type of freedom does Tagore emphasize in the poem?Political freedomSocial and economic freedomIntellectual freedomAll of the aboveQuestion 7 of 208. The poem is an example of:A narrative poemA prose poemA sonnetA balladQuestion 8 of 209. When was the poem written?Before India’s independenceAfter India’s independenceDuring India’s partitionDuring the British revoltQuestion 9 of 2010. What does the poet pray to God for?Wealth for his countryFreedom and idealismPeace and harmonyKnowledge and educationQuestion 10 of 2011. What does "head is held high" signify?FearlessnessConfidenceEgoPowerQuestion 11 of 2012. What does "knowledge is free" suggest?Everyone can buy educationEducation should be accessible to allFreedom of thoughtNo exams for studentsQuestion 12 of 2013. "Narrow domestic walls" refers to:Social restrictionsHousehold boundariesInternal divisions based on caste, creed, and languagePersonal barriersQuestion 13 of 2014. What does "tireless striving" mean?Hard work without exhaustionFighting wars tirelesslyLosing effortTimely effortsQuestion 14 of 2015. The metaphor "dreary desert sand of dead habit" symbolizes:ConservatismEnlightenmentLoss of cultureLack of imaginationQuestion 15 of 2016. Who does "Thee" refer to in the poem?GodThe KingFreedom fightersPeople of IndiaQuestion 16 of 2017. What does "heaven of freedom" imply?Freedom from foreign ruleA place of happiness and libertySpiritual liberationA dreamlandQuestion 17 of 2018. "Ever-widening thought and action" emphasizes:ProgressivenessReligious practicesAncient traditionsScientific discoveriesQuestion 18 of 2019. "Father" in the poem refers to:GodA philosopherRabindranath TagoreA leaderQuestion 19 of 2020. What does "awake" signify in the poem?Waking up in the morningRising after slaveryStaying alertDreaming bigQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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