MCQ Chapter 7 Class 12 English Porse UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12The Heritage of India 1. What theme did Gandhi’s followers promote through the Indian National Congress?Caste-based governanceEqualitarian social orderReligious exclusivityEconomic stagnationQuestion 1 of 202. How does the author view future Indians?Uninspired by their traditionsAware of their cultural continuityCarbon copies of EuropeansReluctant to embrace changeQuestion 2 of 203. What is the process of absorbing and adapting elements of different cultures called?AssimilationRejectionTraditionalismExclusionQuestion 3 of 204. How does the author describe the future of Hindu civilization?Losing continuityRetaining its essence while adaptingAdopting Western beliefs entirelyBecoming stagnantQuestion 4 of 205. What was the primary influence on Gandhi’s championing of women’s rights?Indian scripturesWestern ideasVedic traditionsNationalist movementsQuestion 5 of 206. What type of happiness has historically pervaded Indian life?Quiet and gentleAggressive and hecticChaotic and troubledStagnant and dullQuestion 6 of 207. What practice involving widows is highlighted as no longer existing?Widow remarriageWidow burning (Sati)Widowhood traditionsWidow empowermentQuestion 7 of 208. Which literary works continue to be loved in Indian culture?Tales of Dushyanta and ShakuntalaSermon on the MountGreek mythologyWestern novelsQuestion 8 of 209. Which social system is said to be vanishing quickly in India?Joint family systemHierarchical caste systemSecular governanceEducation systemQuestion 9 of 2010. What was Gandhi’s stance on caste?He promoted itHe rejected itHe ignored itHe reformed itQuestion 10 of 2011. What did Gandhi shift the emphasis of Hindu thought toward?MaterialismPopular and equalitarian social orderStrict traditionalismExclusivity of classQuestion 11 of 2012. What continues to inspire Indian men of action?The MahabharataThe Bhagavad GitaThe Sermon on the MountWestern literatureQuestion 12 of 2013. According to Basham, what is safe to predict about future generations?They will lose connection with their traditionsThey will blend Indian and Western cultureThey will adopt a purely Western way of lifeThey will reject Western influencesQuestion 13 of 2014. What tradition is highlighted as having already vanished?Worship practicesAnimal sacrificeFamily systemsHectic ways of lifeQuestion 14 of 2015. What was the nature of Gandhi’s faith in non-violence?Typical of HinduismBorrowed from European liberalismBased on Tolstoy and Sermon on the MountDrawn from Vedic ritualsQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the author mean by ‘equalitarian social order’?Hierarchical structureEquality for allReligious dominanceCaste superiorityQuestion 16 of 2017. How does the author describe Indian civilization’s response to different cultures?RejectionPassive observationActive synthesisAggressive oppositionQuestion 17 of 2018. Who declared that the highest form of service was social service?GandhiSwami VivekanandaA.L. BashamSubhas Chandra BoseQuestion 18 of 2019. What is a notable feature of Hindu civilization, according to Basham?Rigidity in traditionsSpectacular synthesis of culturesResistance to Western ideasRapid abandonment of old beliefsQuestion 19 of 2020. What characteristic of Indian culture does the author highlight?ExclusivityAdaptabilityIsolationResistance to changeQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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