MCQ Chapter 7 Class 12 English Poetry Short Poems UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12The Passing of Arthur 1. What does Arthur mean by "The old order changeth, yielding place to new"?Change is unnecessaryOld traditions must give way to new onesOnly the old order is goodThe old order always returnsQuestion 1 of 202. What does Arthur ask Sir Bedivere to do for him?Protect his kingdomPray for his soulFight for his honorFollow him to the bargeQuestion 2 of 203. In the poem, what binds the earth to God?Chains of goldPrayers and devotionThe Round TableArthur’s legacyQuestion 3 of 204. What does Arthur believe is better than being like "sheep and goats"?Knowing God and prayingFighting for the kingdomFollowing the old orderWorking for oneselfQuestion 4 of 205. What is Arthur's tone as he speaks to Sir Bedivere?ReproachfulComfortingAngrySarcasticQuestion 5 of 206. What does Arthur ask Sir Bedivere to do "night and day"?Guard the kingdomPray for himSeek the Holy GrailReflect on his lifeQuestion 6 of 207. What are men likened to in the poem if they do not lift their hands in prayer?Lions and tigersSheep and goatsWolves and foxesBirds and beesQuestion 7 of 208. What is Arthur's final message to Sir Bedivere?"Follow me into the barge""The world is bound by love""Farewell!""Protect the kingdom"Question 8 of 209. What does Arthur hope God will do with his deeds?Forgive and purify themReward him with eternal gloryDestroy his enemiesRemember his victoriesQuestion 9 of 2010. What does Arthur suggest about prayer in the lines, "More things are wrought by prayer / Than this world dreams of"?Prayer is unnecessaryPrayer has great powerPrayer is outdatedPrayer is a mysteryQuestion 10 of 2011. How does Sir Bedivere feel about Arthur’s departure?ExcitedIndifferentSorrowfulRelievedQuestion 11 of 2012. What does Sir Bedivere symbolize in the poem?The loyal knightThe rebellious warriorThe cowardly soldierThe indifferent friendQuestion 12 of 2013. What role does Arthur play in the poem?A defeated kingA teacher and philosopherA symbol of divine wisdomAn ordinary manQuestion 13 of 2014. What does the barge in the poem symbolize?Death and the afterlifeA retreat from the battlefieldA new adventureEternal restQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the relationship between Arthur and Sir Bedivere?Father and sonTeacher and studentKing and loyal knightFriendsQuestion 15 of 2016. What message does the poem convey about life and death?Life is eternal, but death is inevitableDeath is the end of everythingBoth life and death are insignificantLife is more important than deathQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the poem suggest about traditions?They should never changeThey must adapt to avoid becoming corruptedThey are unnecessaryThey always return in the same formQuestion 17 of 2018. How is the theme of loyalty depicted in the poem?Through Arthur’s dedication to his kingdomThrough Sir Bedivere’s devotion to ArthurThrough Arthur’s belief in prayerThrough the Round TableQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the poem imply about human connections?They are fragile and temporaryThey are bound by divine love and prayerThey are insignificant in the face of deathThey are only materialisticQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the ultimate advice of the poem?Follow traditions blindlyEmbrace change and trust in divine wisdomAbandon all worldly tiesFight against changeQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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