MCQ Chapter 6 Class 12 English Porse UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12Women’s Education 1. What are the two "fruits" of life mentioned in the text?Wealth and powerStudy of classics and communion with great mindsFame and compassionEducation and intelligenceQuestion 1 of 202. What specific quality should women bring to their work according to the author?BeautyHonesty and disciplineAmbitionAggressionQuestion 2 of 203. What should define the purpose of education today, according to the author?Needs of the present generationTraditions of the pastWestern philosophiesIndustrial advancementsQuestion 3 of 204. How does the author describe the state of women’s education before independence?NeglectedWell-developedLimited to urban areasFocused on professional skillsQuestion 4 of 205. What is the key to achieving joy in one's work?AmbitionDisciplined mindLuckHard work aloneQuestion 5 of 206. What does 'Daya' mean?PowerCompassionWealthKnowledgeQuestion 6 of 207. What does 'Dama' signify?BeautySelf-controlIntelligenceAmbitionQuestion 7 of 208. What does the phrase 'Vidya gives Viveka' emphasize?Education instills wisdomEducation spreads wealthEducation guarantees powerEducation creates ambitionQuestion 8 of 209. According to the author, what is the chief purpose of education?Acquiring wealth and powerInitiation into a higher life beyond space and timeLearning modern sciences onlyFollowing Western traditionsQuestion 9 of 2010. What should education provide apart from learning and skills?FameA definite purpose in lifePhysical strengthEntertainmentQuestion 10 of 2011. Which Sanskrit phrase refers to the decline of civilization due to subjugation of women?Samsara visa vrksasyaPurakalpesu narinamVyavasayatmika buddhir ekehaBahusakha hyanantascaQuestion 11 of 2012. What does the author consider essential for societal development?More technical educationGood and educated womenIndustrial progressGlobalizationQuestion 12 of 2013. What has led to the rise of women's status post-independence, as per the author?Scientific discoveriesEfforts of reformers like Mahatma GandhiIndustrial developmentForeign educationQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the significance of the study of classics, according to the author?It helps develop technical skillsIt instills moral strength and shapes personalityIt ensures economic stabilityIt provides historical knowledge onlyQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the phrase “coming to their own” mean in the context of women?Regaining their rightful statusBecoming self-employedLearning advanced technologyBecoming physically strongQuestion 15 of 2016. Which quality is essential for a human being to avoid becoming a “human animal”?WealthCompassionEducationPowerQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the author suggest about past educational traditions for women?They were nonexistent.Women were entitled to Vedic studies and Gayatri chanting.Women were denied any education.Education was limited to household skills.Question 17 of 2018. What, according to the author, must be the focus of women’s education in today’s world?Building moral character and adapting to modern needsFollowing ancient practicesLearning only technical skillsMastering household workQuestion 18 of 2019. What is one key difference between a cultured and an uncultured mind?Cultured minds are scattered, uncultured ones are focused.Cultured minds are single-minded, uncultured ones are scattered.Cultured minds are practical, uncultured ones are theoretical.Cultured minds are narrow, uncultured ones are broad.Question 19 of 2020. What does the phrase "samsara visa vrksasya" signify?The joys of modern lifeThe struggles of the material worldThe decline of educationThe importance of traditionsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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