MCQ Chapter 5 Class 12 English Porse UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12I am John’s Heart 1. What happens when John’s heart lacks nourishment during exertion?It beats fasterIt skips a beatIt sends pain signalsIt stops momentarilyQuestion 1 of 202. What caused John's heart attack five years ago?Major artery blockageA small artery blockage on the rear wallHigh adrenaline levelsExcessive exerciseQuestion 2 of 203. What does the heart consider its 'weak spot'?ValvesCoronary arteriesBlood chambersLigamentsQuestion 3 of 204. What type of pain is likely not caused by the heart?Pain from heavy mealsPain during exertionSharp pain after emotionPain in coronary arteriesQuestion 4 of 205. How can new blood pathways form in the heart?Through regular exerciseThrough medicationThrough surgeryThrough increased heart rateQuestion 5 of 206. Why is John's 'middle-age spread' harmful to his heart?It increases blood sugar levelsIt adds capillaries the heart must pump throughIt strengthens the arteriesIt relaxes the muscles of the heartQuestion 6 of 207. What happens if the lower blood pressure number (diastolic pressure.rises?The heart gets more restThe heart gets less restBlood flow increasesArteries widenQuestion 7 of 208. What does the heart suggest to help it 'relax'?SmokingNapping and light readingWatching intense moviesDrinking caffeinated drinksQuestion 8 of 209. How much of John's calories come from fats?35%45%25%55%Question 9 of 2010. What does the heart need John to do to improve its health?Increase protein intakeQuit exercisingCut down on smoking and fatsAvoid all physical activityQuestion 10 of 2011. What does the heart think about John's 'competitive nature'?It is good for the heartIt leads to higher adrenaline levelsIt reduces stressIt improves blood circulationQuestion 11 of 2012. What analogy is used for skipped heartbeats?A skipping ropeA misfiring car ignition systemA stuttering engineA vibrating clockQuestion 12 of 2013. What does John incorrectly blame the heart for?Chest pain from digestion issuesLow blood pressurePoor visionStomach acheQuestion 13 of 2014. What does 'vagus nerve massage' do?Increases heart rateSlows the heart rateTightens the arteriesStimulates adrenalineQuestion 14 of 2015. What does the heart wish John would avoid?Mild exerciseHeavy mealsProper hydrationRelaxation techniquesQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the heart say about weekend athletes?They strengthen the heartThey overwork the heartThey maintain constant exerciseThey prevent heart attacksQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the heart compare itself to?A fragile objectA hard-working pumpA strong engineA delicate machineQuestion 17 of 2018. What should John's ideal blood pressure be?140/90130/85120/80110/70Question 18 of 2019. What specific lifestyle change can improve blocked arteries?Increase dietary cholesterolRegular, mild exerciseAvoiding all fatEating only vegetablesQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the heart ultimately ask for?Rest and proper careTotal elimination of fatOverexertion to strengthen itConstant stress to improve enduranceQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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