MCQ Chapter 4 Class 12 English Porse UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12The Home Coming 1. What is the antonym of “paradise”?HeavenHellJoyMiseryQuestion 1 of 202. The word “cramped” in describing the house means:SpaciousConfinedComfortableBrightQuestion 2 of 203. Which homophone pair can describe Phatik’s situation?Bare/BearSon/SunCell/SellFlour/FlowerQuestion 3 of 204. How does Phatik’s aunt view him?As a blessingAs a burdenAs a responsibilityAs a studentQuestion 4 of 205. What does Phatik miss the most about his village?His mother’s kindnessHis band of friends and freedomHis uncle’s affectionHis school in the villageQuestion 5 of 206. Why does Phatik feel alienated in Calcutta?His aunt despises him.He feels unloved.He is overwhelmed by the city.All of the above.Question 6 of 207. What does Phatik’s behavior at school indicate?He excels academically.He is too shy to participate.He is indifferent and struggles.He becomes a leader among his peers.Question 7 of 208. How is Makhan described compared to Phatik?Obedient and quietRebellious and mischievousLazy and disobedientArrogant and rudeQuestion 8 of 209. How does Phatik display his longing for love and recognition?By studying hardBy trying to help his auntBy running away to his villageBy begging his uncle to take him homeQuestion 9 of 2010. What is Phatik’s mother’s attitude toward him?She is indifferent and critical.She is overly protective.She deeply loves him.She spoils him.Question 10 of 2011. What does the log in the story symbolize?Unity among the boysPhatik’s leadership and mischiefMakhan’s stubbornnessConflict between siblingsQuestion 11 of 2012. What theme is highlighted through Phatik’s loneliness in Calcutta?Childhood freedomAlienation and neglectJoy of explorationCultural differencesQuestion 12 of 2013. What does Phatik’s fever symbolize?Physical weaknessEmotional suffering and neglectThe consequences of disobedienceRebellion against authorityQuestion 13 of 2014. What is the significance of Phatik’s final words?They show his acceptance of his fate.They reflect his longing for freedom.They symbolize his hope for reunion.They emphasize the loss of childhood innocence.Question 14 of 2015. Why does Phatik ask his uncle about the holidays?He wants to know when he can visit his mother.He is excited about exploring Calcutta.He dislikes studying.He plans to run away during the holidays.Question 15 of 2016. How does Phatik’s uncle react to his illness?He scolds him for causing trouble.He takes care of him and calls a doctor.He sends him back to the village immediately.He ignores Phatik’s condition.Question 16 of 2017. What does the aunt suggest when Phatik falls ill?She suggests sending him back to his village.She decides to nurse him herself.She accuses him of pretending to be sick.She blames Bishamber for bringing him.Question 17 of 2018. What does Phatik do with his belongings before leaving for Calcutta?He packs them carefully.He donates them to Makhan.He gives them away to his friends.He sells them.Question 18 of 2019. Which natural setting does Phatik miss the most in Calcutta?The river and meadowThe village schoolThe family homeThe market and playgroundQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the main conflict in The Home Coming?The cultural divide between rural and urban lifeThe neglect and lack of love in Phatik’s lifeThe strained relationship between Phatik and MakhanThe expectations of Phatik’s uncle and auntQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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