MCQ Chapter 4 Class 12 English Porse UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12The Home Coming 1. Rabindranath Tagore was awarded the Nobel Prize for which literary work?GoraThe Home ComingGitanjaliThe Crescent MoonQuestion 1 of 202. In what year did Rabindranath Tagore give up his knighthood?1913191919411920Question 2 of 203. What central theme is explored in The Home Coming?AdventurePatriotismIsolation and responsibilityFriendshipQuestion 3 of 204. What mischief does Phatik propose at the beginning of the story?Stealing fruitRolling a log awayFlying a kitePlaying in the riverQuestion 4 of 205. How does Makhan spoil Phatik’s mischief?He alerts the owner of the log.He sits on the log and refuses to move.He hides the log.He tells their mother.Question 5 of 206. How does Phatik react when his brother refuses to move?He threatens him.He rolls the log with Makhan on it.He fights with him.He calls for help.Question 6 of 207. What is Phatik’s punishment after his fight with Makhan?His mother scolds him.His uncle takes him to Calcutta.He is sent to his room.He is forbidden to play with other boys.Question 7 of 208. Who offers to take Phatik to Calcutta?His fatherHis uncle BishamberHis teacherHis mother’s friendQuestion 8 of 209. How does Phatik feel about going to Calcutta?AnxiousExcitedReluctantIndifferentQuestion 9 of 2010. What kind of welcome does Phatik receive at his aunt’s house?WarmIndifferentHostileJoyfulQuestion 10 of 2011. Why does Phatik dislike his new life in Calcutta?He is bullied at school.He misses his village.His aunt treats him poorly.All of the above.Question 11 of 2012. What does Phatik lose, making his school life even harder?His booksHis school uniformHis shoesHis lunchboxQuestion 12 of 2013. What illness does Phatik suffer from?MalariaFever and chillsTyphoidTuberculosisQuestion 13 of 2014. What does Phatik dream of during his illness?Going home to his villageExcelling in schoolPlaying with his cousinsBecoming a sailorQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the turning point in Phatik’s relationship with his uncle?Phatik falls ill.Phatik runs away.His mother arrives.His aunt asks him to leave.Question 15 of 2016. Who comes to see Phatik in his critical condition?His teacherHis motherHis uncle’s friendHis cousinQuestion 16 of 2017. What are Phatik’s final words?"Uncle, I’m sorry.""Mother, the holidays have come.""I miss the village.""I don’t want to stay here."Question 17 of 2018. What does Phatik symbolize in the story?Innocence and neglectRebellion and courageStrength and leadershipWisdom and patienceQuestion 18 of 2019. What does “peril” mean as used in the text?DangerExcitementReliefConflictQuestion 19 of 2020. What does “eagerness” mean in the context of Phatik’s desire to go to Calcutta?ReluctanceAnticipationIndifferenceFearQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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