MCQ Chapter 4 Class 12 English Poetry Short Stories UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12A Special Experience 1. What does Gyan Babu's wife symbolize in the story?The struggle of women in patriarchyCompassion and courageBlind loyalty to familyFearlessness in political activismQuestion 1 of 202. How did the narrator describe her life before her husband's imprisonment?Peaceful and comfortableFilled with challengesFocused on political strugglesLuxurious and carefreeQuestion 2 of 203. What was the narrator’s fear when she heard footsteps outside her door?Police arrestRobberyHarassment by strangersCID officers confronting herQuestion 3 of 204. What quality of Gyan Babu’s wife impressed the narrator the most?Her wealthHer indifference to social normsHer motherly affection and strong willHer beautyQuestion 4 of 205. What advice did Gyan Babu’s wife give him about his job?Avoid confrontations with the principalStand up for what is right, even if it meant resigningFollow the principal’s orders to avoid troubleSeek help from higher authoritiesQuestion 5 of 206. What did Gyan Babu's wife call the CID officers?SpiesWatchdogs of the governmentDogs who only bark but can’t biteRuthless agents of the BritishQuestion 6 of 207. What was the narrator’s immediate response to the hospitality of Gyan Babu's wife?Gratitude and admirationSuspicion and uneaseHesitation to accept helpAll of the aboveQuestion 7 of 208. What was the reaction of the narrator’s father-in-law to her telegram?He offered financial support.He expressed his helplessness due to his pension.He visited her immediately.He blamed her for her husband’s actions.Question 8 of 209. What did Gyan Babu do to assert his principles?Argued with the principalResigned from his jobConfronted the CID officersOrganized a protestQuestion 9 of 2010. How did the principal respond to Gyan Babu's resignation?He accepted it immediately.He realized his mistake and reconsidered.He reported Gyan Babu to the police.He ignored Gyan Babu entirely.Question 10 of 2011. What decision did Gyan Babu’s wife make without hesitation?To take the narrator inTo confront the policeTo assist her husband in resigningTo confront the principal herselfQuestion 11 of 2012. How does the story highlight the societal expectations of women?By showing their limited roles and dependence on menBy emphasizing their courage and leadershipBy portraying their political involvementBoth A and BQuestion 12 of 2013. What did the narrator feel when Gyan Babu stood up to his principal?GratitudeGuiltResentmentIndifferenceQuestion 13 of 2014. Why did the narrator feel inspired to commit more “offenses” after her husband’s imprisonment?Out of revengeDue to her pride in her husband’s sacrificeTo prove her independenceTo help other freedom fightersQuestion 14 of 2015. How does the narrator view Gyan Babu’s wife by the end of the story?As a motherly figureAs a goddessAs a strict disciplinarianAs an indifferent hostQuestion 15 of 2016. What quality of the narrator is emphasized throughout the story?Her physical beautyHer inner strength and adaptabilityHer social connectionsHer wealthQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Gyan Babu’s wife believe about the narrator's husband?He was reckless in his actions.He was a hero for helping freedom fighters.He deserved his punishment.He was a coward for getting arrested.Question 17 of 2018. What did the narrator do after reading her father’s letter?She replied angrily.She tore it up and decided to never write again.She sent another telegram.She approached her father-in-law for support.Question 18 of 2019. What kind of bond develops between the narrator and Gyan Babu’s wife?A formal friendshipA bond of sisterhood and solidarityA professional relationshipA distant acquaintanceQuestion 19 of 2020. What is the central theme of "A Special Experience"?The impact of colonialism on Indian familiesSacrifice, compassion, and resilience in adversitySocial inequality and injusticeThe importance of education and self-relianceQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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