MCQ Chapter 2 Class 12 English Poetry Short Stories UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12An Astrologer’s Day 1. Why did the astrologer’s wife question him after dinner?He looked worriedHe came home lateHe had less money than expectedHe told her about his crimeQuestion 1 of 202. What was the astrologer’s biggest fear before meeting Guru Nayak?Getting exposed as a fraudHaving the blood of a man on his handsBeing attacked by someoneLosing his familyQuestion 2 of 203. How did the astrologer describe his life after fleeing his village?Peaceful and prosperousFilled with guilt and hard workFull of adventureLonely but satisfyingQuestion 3 of 204. What did the astrologer tell Guru Nayak about his life expectancy?He would die soon if he stayed homeHe would live to be a hundred if he avoided traveling southHe would live a short lifeHis future depended on spiritual practicesQuestion 4 of 205. What was the astrologer's usual fee for a question?One rupeeThree piesTwelve annasTwo rupeesQuestion 5 of 206. What did Guru Nayak intend to do before meeting the astrologer?Kill his enemySettle in a new villageFind a new livelihoodSeek blessings from a templeQuestion 6 of 207. How did the astrologer convince Guru Nayak that his enemy was dead?By showing sacred chartsBy mentioning the enemy’s death under a lorryBy pretending to communicate with the starsBy providing physical evidenceQuestion 7 of 208. What caused the astrologer to leave his village in the first place?A personal tragedyFear of revenge for attempting murderA desire for adventureFinancial difficultiesQuestion 8 of 209. What kind of crowd surrounded the astrologer’s workplace?Quiet and reserved peopleA bustling, noisy crowd with diverse tradersDevotees seeking blessingsFarmers from nearby villagesQuestion 9 of 2010. How did the astrologer feel after revealing the truth to Guru Nayak?Lighter and relieved of a burdenGuiltier than everNervous about being exposedExcited for his newfound fameQuestion 10 of 2011. How did the astrologer describe Guru Nayak’s character?Calm and patientImpetuous and roughWise and gentleTimid and fearfulQuestion 11 of 2012. How did the astrologer’s wife react when he threw the coins at her?She questioned him immediatelyShe was overjoyed and counted the coinsShe accused him of stealingShe ignored the coinsQuestion 12 of 2013. What did the astrologer sense when Guru Nayak first approached him?A potential clientA threat to his lifeAn opportunity for wealthA familiar face from his pastQuestion 13 of 2014. How did the astrologer ensure his answers satisfied clients?By using actual astrological knowledgeBy making shrewd guesses and observing themBy reading sacred texts during consultationsBy asking for divine guidanceQuestion 14 of 2015. What kind of lighting illuminated the astrologer’s workplace?Municipal streetlightsA mix of shop lights, flares, and gas lightsCandlelight onlyBright sunlightQuestion 15 of 2016. How did Guru Nayak react when he realized the astrologer knew his name?He became suspiciousHe was taken aback and impressedHe felt angeredHe laughed it offQuestion 16 of 2017. Why did the astrologer initially try to end his conversation with Guru Nayak?He recognized him as the man he tried to killHe was tired and wanted to go homeHe felt he couldn’t answer the questionsHe didn’t want to take on another clientQuestion 17 of 2018. What did Guru Nayak give the astrologer at the end of their meeting?A rupeeA handful of coinsHis respectNothingQuestion 18 of 2019. How did the astrologer describe the load that had been lifted from his mind?He was relieved he didn’t commit murderHe was glad to have escaped his villageHe felt satisfied with his earningsHe was no longer afraid of deathQuestion 19 of 2020. What lesson can be drawn from the story "An Astrologer’s Day"?Guilt can burden one for a lifetimeForgiveness is the ultimate strengthDeception can save lives in certain situationsAll of the aboveQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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