MCQ Chapter 2 Class 12 English Poetry Short Stories UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12An Astrologer’s Day 1. What did the astrologer's professional equipment consist of?Sacred ash and vermilionCowrie shells, mystic charts, and palmyra writingAstrological books and candlesFortune-telling cardsQuestion 1 of 202. What enhanced the astrologer's eyes?His painted forehead and whiskersHis spectaclesThe light of his flareThe saffron turbanQuestion 2 of 203. Where did the astrologer sit to carry out his business?Inside a templeUnder a tamarind tree in Town Hall ParkNear a busy train stationOn the steps of a marketplaceQuestion 3 of 204. What was the colour of the astrologer's turban?RedYellowWhiteSaffronQuestion 4 of 205. Why was the place where the astrologer worked enchanting?It had magical lightingIt had a variety of traders and was lit by shop lightsThe astrologer performed magicIt was a silent and peaceful areaQuestion 5 of 206. What did the astrologer charge per question?One annaFive rupeesThree piesTen piesQuestion 6 of 207. What sharpened the astrologer’s perception of people's troubles?His training in astrologyLong practice and observationHis own struggles in lifeHis mystical powersQuestion 7 of 208. What was the astrologer's main method to understand his clients' problems?Reading their palms carefullyListening to them for ten minutesUsing mystic chartsPerforming ritualsQuestion 8 of 209. What was the astrologer's real knowledge of astrology?He was a master astrologerHe knew nothing about astrologyHe was trained by a guruHe learned from ancient booksQuestion 9 of 2010. Why did the astrologer leave his village?To find a better livelihoodTo escape after attempting to murder someoneTo become a professional astrologerTo start a new life after a failed marriageQuestion 10 of 2011. How did the astrologer identify the stranger?By his appearanceBy his scar and nameBy listening to him talkBy a past photographQuestion 11 of 2012. Who was the stranger that visited the astrologer?A random passerbyGuru Nayak, his victimA fellow astrologerA curious villagerQuestion 12 of 2013. How did Guru Nayak survive after the astrologer attacked him?He was rescued by a passerbyHe escaped on his ownHe fought backThe astrologer helped himQuestion 13 of 2014. What did the astrologer tell Guru Nayak about his enemy?That he was still aliveThat he had died under a lorryThat he was in hiding nearbyThat he had fled to another countryQuestion 14 of 2015. What advice did the astrologer give Guru Nayak?Stay at home and avoid traveling southSeek revenge on his enemyPray to the gods for peaceMove to another villageQuestion 15 of 2016. How much money did Guru Nayak give to the astrologer?A rupeeFive rupeesTwelve and a half annasTen piesQuestion 16 of 2017. Why was the astrologer's wife overjoyed after counting the coins?She could buy sweets for their childShe thought they were very richShe had never seen so much moneyShe believed her husband was successfulQuestion 17 of 2018. How did the astrologer feel after meeting Guru Nayak?Relieved that he was aliveNervous and scaredConfident in his skillsOverwhelmed by guiltQuestion 18 of 2019. Why did the astrologer feel uncomfortable with the stranger?He feared being exposedHe didn’t like his toneHe had no answers for himHe wanted to go home earlyQuestion 19 of 2020. How did the astrologer get rid of Guru Nayak?By telling him a lieBy giving him sound advice and sacred ashBy bribing himBy threatening himQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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