MCQ Chapter 1 Class 12 English Poetry Short Stories UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 12The Gold Watch 1. What was the condition of the child’s body?Covered in bruisesFestering with soresHealthy and strongWeak but cleanQuestion 1 of 202. What did Sanku’s wife save money for?House repairsA waist-chain for their younger childFood for the familyHer medical expensesQuestion 2 of 203. What was Sanku’s primary emotion before stealing the watch?JoyHesitationConfidenceReliefQuestion 3 of 204. How much did Sanku owe at the tea-shop?Three rupeesFour and a half rupeesFive rupeesSix rupeesQuestion 4 of 205. Why was Sanku unable to sleep for many nights?Physical illnessFinancial stress and guiltHis wife’s naggingHis job's workloadQuestion 5 of 206. What did Sanku imagine happening if he was caught stealing?Losing his familyBeing scorned by all workersBeing sent to prisonLosing his homeQuestion 6 of 207. Who did Sanku fear had seen him steal the watch?KochunniMadhavanSomeone walking in the corridorLonappaoQuestion 7 of 208. What was the engineer’s appearance described as?Short and stockyTall and leanShort, fat, and cat-eyedTall, with a stern lookQuestion 8 of 209. What did Sanku think the watch would fetch if sold?Ten rupeesFifteen to twenty rupeesTwenty-five rupeesFive rupeesQuestion 9 of 2010. How did Sanku justify stealing the watch?It was not being used by the engineerHe had no other way to solve his problemsHe thought no one would noticeHe believed it was his rightQuestion 10 of 2011. What was the engineer’s habit regarding the watch?Always wearing itLeaving it in the officeLending it to othersKeeping it locked in a drawerQuestion 11 of 2012. Why did Sanku curse himself in the morning?He was late for workHis wife’s pregnancy reminded him of another burdenHe failed to steal the watchHe had an argument with his wifeQuestion 12 of 2013. What was the final action Sanku took regarding the watch?He kept it hidden at homeHe sold it to pay debtsHe returned it to the tableHe gave it to his wifeQuestion 13 of 2014. What was Sanku’s mental state while stealing the watch?Calm and composedNervous and tremblingJoyful and excitedReluctant but confidentQuestion 14 of 2015. What reminded Sanku of his obligations to his wife?Her commanding toneHer gentle request for necessitiesHer constant complaintsHer visible frustrationQuestion 15 of 2016. What did Sanku imagine the gold watch to symbolize in his pocket?A solution to his problemsA symbol of his guiltA mark of powerA simple possessionQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Sanku hear after taking the watch that made him panic?The sound of footstepsHis wife’s voiceA whistle from a guardThe engineer returningQuestion 17 of 2018. How does the story reflect Sanku’s moral dilemma?Through his family’s povertyThrough his inability to commit the theftThrough his fear of getting caughtThrough his interactions with coworkersQuestion 18 of 2019. What did Sanku ultimately prioritize over stealing?His family’s loveHis reputation and conscienceHis job securityHis future earningsQuestion 19 of 2020. What emotion dominated Sanku’s thoughts at the end?ReliefGuilt and fearConfidenceHappinessQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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