MCQ Chapter 4 Class 10 English Poetry UP Board यूपी बोर्ड MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10The Nation Builders 1. What does the poet suggest is more valuable than gold?EducationWealthMen of strong characterPolitical influenceQuestion 1 of 202. What makes a nation’s foundation strong according to the poem?Trade and commerceMaterial wealthTruth and honourMilitary powerQuestion 2 of 203. What is the main message of the poem 'The Nation Builders'?Wealth builds nationsStrong and brave people make a nation greatHistory determines greatnessPhysical strength is the key to successQuestion 3 of 204. What does the poet emphasize as essential for nation-building?Sacrifice and hard workNatural resourcesGlobal alliancesAdvanced weaponsQuestion 4 of 205. What does the phrase 'stand fast and suffer long' mean in the context of the poem?Be firm and endure hardshipsBe aggressive and retaliateRemain stagnant and suffer silentlyMove quickly to avoid sufferingQuestion 5 of 206. According to the poet, who are the real builders of a nation?PoliticiansScientistsCourageous and industrious menWealthy merchantsQuestion 6 of 207. What does the poet imply about cowardice in the poem?It is necessary for survivalIt weakens the foundation of a nationIt is a sign of intelligenceIt brings temporary gloryQuestion 7 of 208. What is the tone of the poem 'The Nation Builders'?SatiricalPatriotic and motivationalMelancholicHumorousQuestion 8 of 209. Why do brave men suffer long according to the poem?To prove their strengthFor truth and honourTo gain wealthTo avoid conflictQuestion 9 of 2010. How do brave men differ from others, as per the poet?They are always wealthyThey work while others sleep and dare while others fleeThey avoid hardshipsThey live a luxurious lifeQuestion 10 of 2011. How does the poet describe the greatness of a nation?By its wealth and powerBy the bravery and dedication of its peopleBy the size of its populationBy the beauty of its landscapesQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the meaning of 'Fly' in the context of the poem?To soar to successTo lose hope and run awayTo travel quicklyTo achieve greatnessQuestion 12 of 2013. What does the phrase 'lift them to the sky' symbolize in the poem?Reaching material successAttaining the highest idealsEscaping realityClimbing mountainsQuestion 13 of 2014. What figure of speech is used in "Brave men who work while others sleep"?MetaphorPersonificationContrastAlliterationQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the poetic device used in 'pillars deep and lift them to the sky'?HyperboleImageryIronySimileQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the word 'Honour' mean in the context of the poem?WealthRespect and integrityPhysical powerIntelligenceQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the primary rhyme scheme of the poem?ABABAABBABCDABBAQuestion 17 of 2018. What is the meaning of 'Pillars' in a metaphorical sense?Physical supportsIdeals and foundations of a nationMonuments of historySymbols of wealthQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the poet warn against in nation-building?Dependence on external aidCowardice and inactionTechnological advancementsAgricultural dependencyQuestion 19 of 2020. How does the poet inspire the readers in 'The Nation Builders'?By emphasizing the power of wealthBy glorifying bravery, perseverance, and sacrificeBy promoting luxurious livingBy criticizing historical figuresQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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