Important Questions For All Chapters – English Class 10
The Judgement-Seat of Vikramaditya (Sister Nivedita)
Short Questions with Answers
1. Who was Sister Nivedita?
- She was an Irish disciple of Swami Vivekananda.
2. What is Vikramaditya famous for?
- He is famous for his justice and learning.
3. Where did King Vikramaditya reign?
- He reigned in Ujjain.
4. What happened to Vikramaditya’s palace after his death?
- It was ruined and became a pasture.
5. What did the shepherd boy find in the pasture?
- He found a mound resembling a judge’s seat.
6. What happened when the boy sat on the mound?
- He became grave and serious, delivering judgments.
7. Why did the guilty tremble before Vikramaditya?
- They knew he could see their guilt.
8. What was the judgment-seat made of?
- It was a slab of black marble supported by 25 stone angels.
9. How did the judgment-seat disappear?
- Angels carried it away when the king admitted he was unworthy.
10. Why couldn’t the king of Ujjain sit on the throne?
- His heart was not pure like a child’s.
11. What inspired the king to find the judgment-seat?
- He believed it would grant him wisdom and justice.
12. What was uncovered during the excavation?
- The judgment-seat of Vikramaditya.
13. How did people resolve disputes during Vikramaditya’s reign?
- They presented cases before him for fair judgments.
14. What quality did the angels test in the king?
- Purity of heart and righteousness.
15. What was the boy’s reaction when the mound was dug up?
- He felt sorrowful as something dear was taken away.
16. What made Vikramaditya the greatest judge in history?
- His impartial justice and wisdom.
17. Why did the king prepare with fasting and prayers?
- To purify himself to sit on the throne.
18. What did the last angel ask the king?
- If his heart was as pure as a child’s.
19. Why do we remember Vikramaditya today?
- For his love of justice and learning.
20. What did the villagers think of the shepherd boy?
- They admired his wisdom and fairness in judgments.
Long Questions with Answers
1. Why is Vikramaditya remembered in history?
- Vikramaditya is remembered for being a wise and fair judge. He solved problems with great understanding, and his reign was full of justice. The Vikram Samvat calendar is also named after him.
2. What happened to Vikramaditya’s palace and fortress after his death?
- After Vikramaditya’s death, his palace and fortress became ruins. Over time, grass and trees grew over them, and they became a pasture. People forgot about his greatness.
3. How did the shepherd boy resolve disputes?
- The shepherd boy sat on a mound and acted as a judge. He became serious and wise, solving disputes fairly. His decisions made everyone trust him.
4. What did the king of Ujjain plan to do with the judgment-seat?
- The king wanted to sit on Vikramaditya’s judgment-seat to gain wisdom. He believed the spirit of Vikramaditya would help him make just decisions. This made him dig up the mound to find the seat.
5. What role did the angels play in the story?
- The angels tested the king’s purity and fairness. They asked if he was worthy of sitting on Vikramaditya’s judgment-seat. When he admitted he was not, they took the seat away.
6. Why did the shepherd boy become famous?
- The boy became famous for his fairness and wise decisions. People trusted him to solve disputes and bring justice. His ability amazed everyone, even adults.
7. How did the mound resemble the judgment-seat?
- The mound was a raised area in the pasture that looked like a judge’s chair. It inspired the shepherd boy to play the role of a judge. Later, it was found to be Vikramaditya’s real judgment-seat.
8. What was the significance of fasting and prayer in the story?
- Fasting and prayer were ways for the king to purify himself. The angels told him to do this to prove his worthiness. Despite trying, the king admitted he was not pure enough.
9. Why did the villagers respect the shepherd boy?
- The villagers respected the boy for his fairness and wisdom. His judgments always solved problems peacefully. He earned everyone’s trust with his decisions.
10. What was the king’s realization after being tested by the angels?
- The king realized he was not pure and righteous like Vikramaditya. He admitted his flaws and decided not to sit on the throne. This humility showed his honesty.
11. How did the judgment-seat affect the shepherd boy?
- Sitting on the judgment-seat made the boy serious and wise. He delivered fair judgments and became respected by everyone. When he got off, he was an ordinary boy again.
12. What qualities of Vikramaditya are highlighted in the story?
- Vikramaditya was wise, fair, and just. He could see through lies and always made correct decisions. These qualities made him one of the greatest judges in history.
13. What was the reaction of the laborers upon finding the slab?
- The laborers were very happy when they found the judgment-seat. They celebrated and brought it to the king. It was placed in the hall of justice with great respect.
14. Why was the judgment-seat taken away by the angels?
- The angels took the judgment-seat because no one was pure enough to sit on it. The king failed their tests of fairness and humility. It was taken to the sky forever.
15. What message does the story of the judgment-seat convey?
- The story teaches us about justice, humility, and purity. It shows that being fair and honest is the most important quality. It also celebrates Vikramaditya’s legacy of justice.
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