MCQ Chapter 4.6 A Brave Heart Dedicated to Science and Humanity Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. What was Marie Curie's original name?Marie SklodowskaMaria SklodowskaMarie CurieMaria CurieQuestion 1 of 202. Where was Marie Curie born?Paris, FranceWarsaw, PolandVienna, AustriaBerlin, GermanyQuestion 2 of 203. What was the childhood dream of Marie Curie?To become a teacherTo study science in ParisTo become a doctorTo travel the worldQuestion 3 of 204. How did Marie Curie fund her studies in Paris?By borrowing money from friendsBy working as a governessBy selling her belongingsBy receiving a scholarshipQuestion 4 of 205. What did Marie Curie major in at the University of Paris?Physics and BiologyChemistry and MathematicsPhysics and MathematicsBiology and ChemistryQuestion 5 of 206. What was Pierre Curie’s profession?ChemistMathematicianScientistPhysicistQuestion 6 of 207. What were the living conditions of the Curies after their marriage?LuxuriousComfortablePoor and simpleAverageQuestion 7 of 208. What substance was Marie Curie especially interested in studying?RadiumUraniumPoloniumPitchblendeQuestion 8 of 209. Why was the gift of pitchblende from the Austrian emperor significant for the Curies?It was a rare gift.It was free and essential for their research.It was expensive and they couldn’t afford it otherwise.Both B and CQuestion 9 of 2010. What did the Curies name one of the new substances they discovered?UraniumPoloniumCuriumRadiumQuestion 10 of 2011. What did the Curies name the second radioactive substance they discovered?UraniumPoloniumRadiumThoriumQuestion 11 of 2012. What property made radium significant in the medical field?Its ability to glow in the darkIts ability to kill bacteriaIts ability to cure cancerBoth B and CQuestion 12 of 2013. In what year did the Curies discover radium?1902189619111903Question 13 of 2014. What was the condition of the Curies’ laboratory?State-of-the-artSpacious and well-equippedShabby with a leaky skylightA modern facility provided by the universityQuestion 14 of 2015. How did the Curies fund their purchase of pitchblende for research?By selling personal belongingsBy living in poverty and saving moneyBy taking loans from the universityBy receiving donations from scientistsQuestion 15 of 2016. What health issue did Marie Curie face during her research?MalnutritionFatigue and overworkRespiratory problemsBoth A and BQuestion 16 of 2017. Who discovered the radioactive properties of uranium?Marie CuriePierre CurieHenri BecquerelAlbert EinsteinQuestion 17 of 2018. In what year did the Curies receive the Nobel Prize for Physics?1902190319111906Question 18 of 2019. Why didn’t Marie Curie patent her discovery of radium?She believed it belonged to humanity.She didn’t understand patent laws.She wanted to avoid legal disputes.She didn’t think it was necessary.Question 19 of 2020. What happened to Pierre Curie in 1906?He won another Nobel Prize.He was killed in an accident.He retired from research.He moved to another country.Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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