MCQ Chapter 4.5 Joan of Arc Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. What did Robert think of Poulengey’s decision to follow Joan?It was braveIt was foolishIt was inspiringIt was unnecessaryQuestion 1 of 202. What did Poulengey say about sane people in the war?They were the best leadersThey had failed the countryThey were the reason for victoriesThey were better than mad peopleQuestion 2 of 203. What did Joan believe about God’s role in her mission?God would abandon herGod would make it easyGod had no roleGod was neutralQuestion 3 of 204. What did Robert order the steward to do while Joan waited?Lock her upWatch her closelySend her awayArm her immediatelyQuestion 4 of 205. What did Joan’s words inspire in Poulengey?FearFire and motivationDoubtConfusionQuestion 5 of 206. What did Robert say about sending Joan to Chinon?It was a wise decisionHe felt it was a big riskHe was confident it would succeedHe wanted to join herQuestion 6 of 207. What did Joan request regarding her dress?A royal gownA soldier’s dressA peasant’s dressA ceremonial outfitQuestion 7 of 208. What did Robert mean by “I wash my hands off it”?He would no longer take responsibilityHe wanted to take full creditHe was ready to fightHe wanted to give Joan more supportQuestion 8 of 209. What inspired Robert to finally agree to Joan’s plan?Her persistence and faithThe steward’s adviceHis fear of the EnglishOrders from the DauphinQuestion 9 of 2010. What was Poulengey’s attitude towards Joan’s mission?IndifferentSkepticalHopeful and determinedOpposedQuestion 10 of 2011. Why did Joan believe the French soldiers could defeat the English?They had better weaponsThey had divine supportThey were more experiencedThey had stronger leadersQuestion 11 of 2012. What did Poulengey mean by “We want a few mad people now”?Logical people were better suitedMadness was needed to inspire changeHe wanted to scare the EnglishHe thought Joan was insaneQuestion 12 of 2013. What did Joan say about the English soldiers on French soil?They would never leaveThey would be driven out like sheepThey were invincibleThey were welcome guestsQuestion 13 of 2014. What was Robert’s opinion of the Dauphin?He was a strong leaderHe lacked the ability to fightHe was the best hope for FranceHe was a miracle workerQuestion 14 of 2015. What did Joan say about the cost of the horse?It was affordableIt was expensive but necessaryIt was not requiredIt would be provided by the DauphinQuestion 15 of 2016. How did Joan respond to Robert’s initial refusal to help her?She argued aggressivelyShe left without a wordShe persisted confidentlyShe asked for forgivenessQuestion 16 of 2017. What was Robert’s main concern about Joan’s plan?Lack of resourcesJoan’s mental stateThe impossibility of miraclesThe English army’s strengthQuestion 17 of 2018. What role did the steward play in the discussion?He supported Joan’s planHe opposed Joan’s planHe remained neutralHe tried to frighten JoanQuestion 18 of 2019. What did Joan say about the Dauphin’s role in her mission?He was unnecessaryHe would provide all the resourcesHe was a cowardHe would lead the armyQuestion 19 of 2020. How did Joan describe her confidence in the mission?Based on luckRooted in faith and determinationDependent on Robert’s supportUncertain and hesitantQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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