MCQ Chapter 4.2 Bholi Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. What was Bholi's real name?SulekhaRadhaManglaChampaQuestion 1 of 202. Why was Bholi considered a backward child?She stammeredShe had smallpox scarsShe fell and damaged her brain as a babyAll of the aboveQuestion 2 of 203. What kind of household did Bholi grow up in?Poor and strugglingProsperous farmer’s householdMiddle-class familyUrban middle-class familyQuestion 3 of 204. How many siblings did Bholi have?5678Question 4 of 205. What event prompted Ramlal to consider sending Bholi to school?Opening of a primary school in the villageA recommendation by the TehsildarBholi’s mother’s insistenceBoth A and BQuestion 5 of 206. What was Ramlal’s wife’s concern about sending Bholi to school?She feared Bholi would not return homeShe believed educated girls would not get marriedShe wanted Bholi to help with household choresShe thought education was unnecessary for girlsQuestion 6 of 207. How did Bholi’s family prepare her for her first day of school?Gave her new clothesBathed her and combed her hairRubbed oil in her hair and gave her a clean dressNone of the aboveQuestion 7 of 208. Why was Bholi initially scared of going to school?She feared the teachersShe thought she was being sent away like their cowShe didn’t like learningShe was teased by other childrenQuestion 8 of 209. What attracted Bholi to the classroom?The teacher’s kindnessThe colorful pictures on the wallsThe slate and chalkThe friendly studentsQuestion 9 of 2010. What did Bholi’s teacher encourage her to do?Stand up for herselfRead and speak confidentlyMake friendsForget her pastQuestion 10 of 2011. How did Bholi initially react when asked to tell her name in class?She confidently said her nameShe began to cry and stammerShe ran out of the classroomShe remained silentQuestion 11 of 2012. What did the teacher give Bholi at the end of her first school day?A slate and chalkA book with colorful picturesA new dressA penQuestion 12 of 2013. What promise did the teacher make to Bholi?She would teach her for freeShe would help her get marriedShe would make Bholi confident and respectedShe would protect Bholi from bulliesQuestion 13 of 2014. What transformation occurred in the village over the years?It became a small town with new amenitiesIt remained a remote villageIt became a big cityIt became abandonedQuestion 14 of 2015. Who was Bishamber Nath?A school teacherA shopkeeper and Bholi’s prospective groomA rich farmerA government officialQuestion 15 of 2016. Why did Bishamber demand a dowry at the wedding?He noticed Bholi’s pockmarksHe needed money for his businessHe was greedy by natureBoth A and CQuestion 16 of 2017. How did Ramlal react to Bishamber’s dowry demand?He refused to payHe begged and placed his turban at Bishamber’s feetHe asked Bholi to accept the demandHe called off the weddingQuestion 17 of 2018. How did Bholi respond to Bishamber’s demand for dowry?She agreed silentlyShe threw the garland into the fireShe ran away from the weddingShe begged her father to pay the dowryQuestion 18 of 2019. What surprised everyone about Bholi at the wedding?She spoke confidently without stammeringShe agreed to marry BishamberShe ran away from the weddingShe broke into tearsQuestion 19 of 2020. Why did Bholi refuse to marry Bishamber?She disliked him from the beginningHe was a greedy and mean personShe wanted to marry someone youngerShe didn’t want to get marriedQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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