MCQ Chapter 2.6 World Heritage Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. How many World Heritage Sites does India have?28303640Question 1 of 202. Which of the following is NOT included in the types of World Heritage Sites?ForestsMonumentsPrivate residencesLakesQuestion 2 of 203. What happens if a site loses the characteristics for which it was included on the World Heritage List?It becomes a tourist spot.It is deleted from the World Heritage List.It is re-evaluated by UNESCO.It is merged with another site.Question 3 of 204. What are the five geographic zones defined by the World Heritage Committee?Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, OceaniaAfrica, Arab States, Asia-Pacific, Europe & North America, Latin America & the CaribbeanNorth America, South America, Asia, Africa, Middle EastEurope, Africa, Asia, America, AustraliaQuestion 4 of 205. What is the tenure of the members of the World Heritage Committee?4 years5 years6 years10 yearsQuestion 5 of 206. What is an example of a natural World Heritage Site?Sydney Opera HouseGrand Canyon National ParkHistoric Center of ViennaMachu PicchuQuestion 6 of 207. What does the term "criteria" refer to in the context of World Heritage Sites?The guidelines for visiting sitesThe conditions a site must meet to qualify for the World Heritage ListThe rules for funding heritage sitesThe process of nominating a siteQuestion 7 of 208. What is the main goal of the World Heritage Trust proposed in 1965?Protect significant cultural and natural sites worldwideCreate funding for local monumentsIncrease the number of World Heritage SitesBuild more natural reservesQuestion 8 of 209. Which natural disaster is mentioned as a threat to World Heritage Sites?Volcanic eruptionsHurricanesEarthquakesTornadoesQuestion 9 of 2010. What is included in a Tentative List for World Heritage Sites?Sites that need fundingSites that a country considers culturally or naturally significantSites that are in dangerSites that have been removed from the World Heritage ListQuestion 10 of 2011. How many cultural World Heritage Sites were there as of 2009?689700890176Question 11 of 2012. What happens at the World Heritage Committee’s annual meetings?New advisory bodies are formed.Recommendations for nominations are reviewed and sites are selected.Funding for local governments is discussed.Sites in danger are automatically removed.Question 12 of 2013. What is an example of a cultural World Heritage Site?Machu PicchuHistoric Center of ViennaYellowstone National ParkMount HuangshanQuestion 13 of 2014. Which body advises the World Heritage Committee on nominations?UNESCO Advisory PanelInternational Council on Monuments and SitesNational Parks AssociationLocal Government CouncilsQuestion 14 of 2015. How many World Heritage Sites in India are categorized as mixed?1579Question 15 of 2016. Why are World Heritage Sites significant to tourism?They attract heavy tourist traffic due to their cultural and natural value.They provide government revenue.They are the only sites where tourists can visit for free.They are promoted through private campaigns only.Question 16 of 2017. What year did UNESCO officially adopt the World Heritage Convention?1968197219591965Question 17 of 2018. What is the role of the World Heritage Fund?To promote tourismTo allocate resources to protect endangered sitesTo nominate new World Heritage SitesTo manage international conferencesQuestion 18 of 2019. What is one factor that can lead to the destruction of World Heritage Sites?Air pollutionLow tourist trafficStrong governanceConservation effortsQuestion 19 of 2020. Where can more information about World Heritage Sites be found?whc.unesco.orgunesco.comworldheritage.netwhctrust.orgQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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