MCQ Chapter 2.4 An Epitome of Courage Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. What was Hawking’s childhood handwriting described as?Beautiful and neatPerfect and consistentHard to readArtisticQuestion 1 of 202. How did Stephen Hawking view his illness in later years?As a punishmentAs an obstacle to overcomeAs a condition that limited him greatlyAs something he tried not to dwell onQuestion 2 of 203. How many years passed between the deaths of Galileo and Stephen Hawking’s birth?200 years250 years300 years350 yearsQuestion 3 of 204. What academic recognition did Stephen Hawking receive?A Nobel PrizeFellow of The Royal SocietyPresidential Medal of FreedomHonorary membership in the UNQuestion 4 of 205. What was one of Hawking’s early interests as a teenager?SportsMusicLiteraturePaintingQuestion 5 of 206. What quality does the text highlight as essential to face calamities?IntelligenceCourageDeterminationOptimismQuestion 6 of 207. What tool did Stephen Hawking use to communicate later in life?A robotic armA computerA pen and paperA voice recorderQuestion 7 of 208. What event marked the beginning of Stephen Hawking’s health problems?His diagnosis at age 17His engagement to Jane WildeHis sudden clumsinessHis inability to speak clearlyQuestion 8 of 209. What does the phrase “quirk of fate” in the text refer to?An unexpected change in destinyA planned outcomeA fortunate turn of eventsA deliberate decisionQuestion 9 of 2010. What theory is associated with the beginning of the universe, as mentioned in the text?The String TheoryThe Theory of EverythingThe Big Bang TheoryQuantum MechanicsQuestion 10 of 2011. What made Stephen Hawking's books appealing to the general public?They were full of scientific jargonThey were humorous and easy to understandThey were focused on personal anecdotesThey avoided scientific theoriesQuestion 11 of 2012. What does “undoubted” mean in the context of the text?Without hesitationWithout fearWithout doubt or uncertaintyWithout logicQuestion 12 of 2013. Who inspired Hawking to continue his life’s work?His doctorsHis fiancée, Jane WildeHis fatherHis professors at OxfordQuestion 13 of 2014. How does the text describe Dr.Hawking’s contribution to cosmology?Minor and inconsequentialGroundbreaking and revolutionaryTheoretical but not practicalLimited due to his illnessQuestion 14 of 2015. What did Stephen Hawking believe about regret?It was unavoidableIt prevented him from moving forwardIt was unnecessary to dwell onIt fueled his motivationQuestion 15 of 2016. What does “profound” mean as used in the text?Deep and meaningfulSimple and straightforwardConfusing and unclearSuperficial and lightQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the significance of March 14, 2018, in the text?Hawking published his last bookHawking received a major awardHawking passed awayHawking was diagnosed with ALSQuestion 17 of 2018. What helped Stephen Hawking’s ideas “spark imagination”?His research on the Big BangHis study of black holesHis ability to communicate effectivelyHis books written for the laymanQuestion 18 of 2019. What made Hawking’s work stand out despite his illness?His reliance on computersHis consistent optimism and groundbreaking discoveriesHis collaboration with other scientistsHis focus on his physical limitationsQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the text suggest as an important lesson from Hawking’s life?To pursue medical treatment for diseasesTo work hard regardless of circumstancesTo rely on others for supportTo avoid taking risksQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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