MCQ Chapter 2.2 The Boy who Broke The Bank Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. Who is the author of "The Boy Who Broke The Bank"?Ruskin BondR.K.NarayanRabindranath TagoreMulk Raj AnandQuestion 1 of 202. What is Nathu’s profession?WashermanSweeperBankerCookQuestion 2 of 203. Why was Nathu annoyed at the beginning of the story?He lost his job.He didn’t receive his salary on time.He was forced to clean the steps twice.He was scolded by Sitaram.Question 3 of 204. Who was Sitaram?Nathu's employerNathu's friendThe washerman’s sonThe bank managerQuestion 4 of 205. Who did Sitaram inform about Nathu looking for a job?Mrs.SrivastavaMrs.BhushanSeth Govind RamKamal KishoreQuestion 5 of 206. What was Mrs.Srivastava’s primary concern when she spoke to Sitaram?Her babyFinding a new sweeperShopping for clothesGossiping with Mrs.BhushanQuestion 6 of 207. Where did Mrs.Srivastava meet Mrs.Bhushan?At the bankUnder a tamarind treeIn a cloth shopNear a barber shopQuestion 7 of 208. What rumor started spreading about the Pipalnagar Bank?It was giving loans to everyone.It was about to collapse.It was robbed.It was taken over by a new owner.Question 8 of 209. What did Kamal Kishore do when he heard the rumor about the bank?He laughed it off.He informed Deep Chand.He visited the bank.He withdrew his money.Question 9 of 2010. Who was startled by the news of the bank’s collapse and nicked a customer’s ear?NathuKamal KishoreDeep ChandSeth Govind RamQuestion 10 of 2011. What was the reaction of the elderly gentleman at the barber shop?He ignored the rumor.He called Seth Govind Ram.He rushed to the bank.He scolded Deep Chand.Question 11 of 2012. What was the physical condition of Ganpat, the beggar?BlindDeafCrooked legMissing handQuestion 12 of 2013. How much money did Ganpat have in the bank?500 rupees1000 rupees2000 rupees5000 rupeesQuestion 13 of 2014. What caused the manager’s dilemma?The crowd outside the bankA shortage of fundsRumors about the bankSeth Govind Ram’s absenceQuestion 14 of 2015. What did the crowd demand outside the bank?LoansTo see the managerImmediate withdrawal of their moneyTo meet Seth Govind RamQuestion 15 of 2016. What did Nathu discover the next morning?The bank had shut down.The steps were littered with broken glass and stones.His salary was credited.The bank manager had resigned.Question 16 of 2017. What did Nathu call the people responsible for the mess outside the bank?MiscreantsHooligansThievesScoundrelsQuestion 17 of 2018. Why did Sitaram think Nathu might need a new job?The bank was closing.Nathu wasn’t getting paid on time.Nathu wanted to leave the town.Nathu had been fired.Question 18 of 2019. What did the manager try to do with the crowd?Fight themPlacate themIgnore themThreaten themQuestion 19 of 2020. Where was Seth Govind Ram during the events of the story?At the bankAt homeHolidaying in KashmirIn another countryQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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