MCQ Chapter 1.4 Be SMART Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. What does the "S" in SMART goals stand for?StrongSpecificSignificantSteadyQuestion 1 of 202. What is one benefit of setting goals mentioned in the text?Reduces fear of failureEnsures consistent successProvides a stepping stone for clarityGuarantees wealthQuestion 2 of 203. Which factor makes it easier to track progress toward goals?Realistic goalsSpecificityMeasurable goalsAchievabilityQuestion 3 of 204. How does "time-bound" contribute to SMART goals?It ensures goals are realistic.It sets parameters for accountability.It ensures you are specific.It reduces the pressure of deadlines.Question 4 of 205. According to the text, what can fear of failure lead to?Avoidance of setting goalsBetter performanceMore specific goalsA sense of satisfactionQuestion 5 of 206. What is a key aspect of achieving realistic goals?Setting broad targetsBuilding expertiseIgnoring deadlinesAvoiding challengesQuestion 6 of 207. What does the phrase "life is like a trumpet" signify in the text?Music is essential for life.Efforts are necessary to achieve results.Setting goals is complex.Goals should be time-bound.Question 7 of 208. Which quality is essential for reducing weight, as per the text?Consistent time-bound actionRealistic expectationsAvoiding measurable goalsSetting broader goalsQuestion 8 of 209. How do visions and dreams contribute to success?They eliminate obstacles.They ignite imagination.They provide detailed strategies.They simplify the process.Question 9 of 2010. What is required to turn a vision into reality?Avoiding challengesPlanning and executing strategiesSetting unrealistic deadlinesIgnoring specific detailsQuestion 10 of 2011. What is the significance of having a "clear picture" in mind?It reduces stress.It enhances focus and success.It eliminates fear of failure.It ensures measurable outcomes.Question 11 of 2012. What does "benchmark" refer to in SMART goals?A tracking tool for progressA vision for successA motivational factorA stepping stoneQuestion 12 of 2013. Why is it important to have a "specific area" for improvement?It eliminates failure.It makes goal-setting easier.It refines achievement.It avoids time-bound action.Question 13 of 2014. What is compared to a "stepping stone" in the text?BenchmarksSMART goalsSetting goalsRealistic expectationsQuestion 14 of 2015. How can the "will" contribute to success?It replaces skill.It strengthens skills.It is more important than skill.It eliminates challenges.Question 15 of 2016. What is the role of "achievable goals"?To challenge one's limitsTo act as stepping stonesTo eliminate the need for measurable goalsTo ignore current skill setsQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the first step toward setting SMART goals?Being time-boundBeing specificBeing measurableBeing realisticQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of the following can hinder achieving goals?SpecificityFear of failureTime-bound actionBenchmarksQuestion 18 of 2019. Why are realistic goals essential?They eliminate the need for time limits.They align with current expertise.They ensure measurable progress.They replace specific goals.Question 19 of 2020. What role does accountability play in SMART goals?It removes the need for measurable outcomes.It helps in tracking progress.It eliminates fear of failure.It ensures broader goal-setting.Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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