MCQ Chapter 1.2 An Encounter of a Special Kind Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10An Encounter of a Special Kind 1. What truth about human-animal relationships did the narrator realize?They depend entirely on food exchangeThey are based on fearThey can thrive on trust, compassion, and mutual understandingThey are impossible to developQuestion 1 of 202. What was the condition of the baby langur when it was dropped by the male langur?It was completely lifelessIt was inert and appeared lifeless but still breathingIt was healthy and uninjuredIt immediately ran to its motherQuestion 2 of 203. Why did the narrator's mother langur not immediately grab her baby from the coop?She was scared of the narratorShe trusted the narrator’s actionsShe could not find her babyShe was injuredQuestion 3 of 204. What did the mother langur do before leaving with her baby?She inspected the area for dangerShe stayed in the coop for hoursShe groomed her baby completelyShe cried out loudQuestion 4 of 205. What does "silent gratitude" symbolize in the story?Lack of communicationInterspecies trust and understandingAn absence of emotionsMisunderstanding between humans and animalsQuestion 5 of 206. How did the narrator feel about the incident after 55 years?He regretted itHe forgot most of itHe remembered it fondly as a special encounterHe avoided recalling itQuestion 6 of 207. Why did the narrator retreat from the coop?To allow the mother langur to access her babyTo hide from the male langurTo avoid being seen by neighborsTo bring food for the baby langurQuestion 7 of 208. What type of relationship did the mother langur demonstrate?A universal mother-child relationshipA competitive and distant bondA silent but hostile connectionAn indifferent relationshipQuestion 8 of 209. What lesson did the narrator learn from this encounter?Humans and animals cannot coexist peacefullyCompassion and understanding are universal traitsAnimals act only on instinct without emotionsFear is the primary factor in human-animal interactionsQuestion 9 of 2010. What type of sound added to the cacophony during the incident?Chirping of sparrowsAlarmed cawing of crowsWhistling of windRoaring of lionsQuestion 10 of 2011. What behavior is common among animal clans, as mentioned in the story?Sharing foodProtecting every member equallyDominant males attacking male babiesBuilding large groupsQuestion 11 of 2012. How did the narrator's family react to the rescue operation?They helped immediatelyThey remained indoorsThey watched from the verandaThey called for neighbors to helpQuestion 12 of 2013. What does the word "ponder" mean in the text?Act without thinkingThink deeplyIgnore the situationReact instantlyQuestion 13 of 2014. What did the narrator offer the baby langur to comfort it?WaterFruitsA peeled bananaShelterQuestion 14 of 2015. How did the narrator revive the baby langur after finding it inert?By giving it a banana immediatelyBy splashing cold water on itBy wrapping it in a blanketBy placing it under the sunQuestion 15 of 2016. What was the narrator’s first reaction when he saw the male langur attacking the baby?He immediately called for helpHe threw a stick to scare the male langurHe observed the scene in horrorHe shouted at the langurQuestion 16 of 2017. Why did the narrator describe the encounter as "special"?It was an uncommon and emotional experienceIt was the first time he interacted with an animalIt taught him about human dominance over animalsIt was a thrilling adventureQuestion 17 of 2018. How did the baby langur react after sensing its mother's presence?It immediately ran to herIt started crying louderIt stopped eatingIt hid inside the coopQuestion 18 of 2019. What emotion did the narrator feel when the mother langur inspected her baby?FearReliefGuiltIndifferenceQuestion 19 of 2020. What realization did the narrator come to about food and communication with animals?Food is the only way to communicate with animalsAnimals only bond with humans for foodTrust, compassion, and mutual understanding are alternative ways to bondCommunication with animals is impossible without rewardsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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