MCQ Chapter 1.1 A Teenager’s Prayer Class 10 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 10 1. What is the figure of speech in the line, "Death! Where is thy sting?"SimileApostropheMetaphorPersonificationQuestion 1 of 202. What does each new day bring, according to the poem "A Teenager's Prayer"?ChallengesNew endingsNew beginningsDarknessQuestion 2 of 203. The poet wishes to take the road of life that leads to:SuccessDistressUncertaintyAdventureQuestion 3 of 204. What quality does the poet ask the Lord to instill in him?FearlessnessStrength to say “no” to temptationWisdom to argueAnger against injusticeQuestion 4 of 205. Which phrase in the poem refers to bad choices or negative outcomes?Great successDarkened roadBright journeyOpen eyesQuestion 5 of 206. What is the age group of the speaker in the poem?ChildhoodTeenageAdulthoodOld ageQuestion 6 of 207. What does the poet want to maintain daily?A routineCleanliness of body and mindGood relationshipsA happy moodQuestion 7 of 208. What is the central theme of "A Teenager’s Prayer"?Making choices in lifeFacing criticismExploring the unknownEnjoying youthQuestion 8 of 209. The rhyme scheme of the poem is:aabbabcbabbaababQuestion 9 of 2010. "Temptation comes my way" demonstrates which figure of speech?MetaphorPersonificationSimileAlliterationQuestion 10 of 2011. What does the poet seek at the end of his teenage years?HappinessWisdomInner peaceSelf-improvementQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the poet’s request to God regarding his eyes?To help him readTo clearly see right from wrongTo cry lessTo look at the beauty aroundQuestion 12 of 2013. What is the poet's attitude towards temptation?CuriosityAcceptanceResistanceDoubtQuestion 13 of 2014. The poet compares life choices to:RoadsRiversCloudsStarsQuestion 14 of 2015. "Help me stand for what is right" shows the poet's desire for:CourageSuccessWisdomLeadershipQuestion 15 of 2016. What tone is used in the poem "A Teenager’s Prayer"?CriticalReflectiveSarcasticAngryQuestion 16 of 2017. Which line shows the poet’s reliance on God?“Decisions I must make”“Please open up my eyes, dear Lord”“The road that I will take”“Temptation comes my way”Question 17 of 2018. The phrase "walking next to me" symbolizes:FriendshipDivine supportParental guidancePeer influenceQuestion 18 of 2019. "Fit for life each day" focuses on:Health and disciplineDaily routinesPhysical beautyStrengthQuestion 19 of 2020. The poet refers to the "darkened road" as leading to:JoyDistressExcitementAdventureQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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