Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 10
Short Questions
1. What was Meena’s profession?
Answer : She was an LIC officer.
2. What was Meena’s primary personality trait?
Answer : She was a chronic pessimist.
3. Where did Meena live initially?
Answer : She lived alone in an apartment in Bangalore.
4. What did Meena always do during conversations?
Answer : She complained and belittled others.
5. Where did the narrator meet Meena after many years?
Answer : At Flora Fountain, Mumbai.
6. How did the narrator expect Meena to behave during the reunion?
Answer : Negatively, as before.
7. What surprised the narrator about Meena’s behavior in Mumbai?
Answer : Meena was cheerful and positive.
8. Who changed Meena’s life?
Answer : A beggar and his granddaughter.
9. What were the beggar and his granddaughter doing in the rain?
Answer : They were playing joyfully.
10. What realization did Meena have after observing the beggar?
Answer : She realized the importance of gratitude and happiness.
11. How long did it take Meena to change her attitude?
Answer : About two years.
12. What did Meena do to show her gratitude to the beggar?
Answer : She sponsored his granddaughter’s education.
13. Why did the narrator pinch herself when she met Meena?
Answer : To check if she was dreaming about the change in Meena.
14. What did Meena envy about the beggar?
Answer : His zest for life despite hardships.
15. Who wrote “A Lesson in Life from a Beggar”?
Answer : Sudha Murthy.
Long Questions
1. How did Meena behave before her transformation?
Answer : Meena was a pessimist who constantly complained about everything, spread negativity, and found faults in people and situations. Her attitude made her unpleasant company, isolating her from friends and family.
2. What was the narrator’s reaction upon meeting Meena after many years?
Answer : The narrator was shocked to see Meena cheerful and optimistic, a stark contrast to her previous negative personality. This change piqued the narrator’s curiosity about the reason behind it.
3. How did the beggar and his granddaughter inspire Meena?
Answer : The beggar and his granddaughter found joy playing in the rain despite their poverty, hunger, and hardships. Their happiness made Meena realize the importance of gratitude and cherishing life.
4. Why did Meena envy the beggar and his granddaughter?
Answer : Despite lacking material comforts, they possessed a zest for life and the ability to be happy in tough situations. This stood in contrast to Meena’s dissatisfaction despite having everything.
5. How did Meena express her gratitude towards the beggar?
Answer : Though she couldn’t thank him directly, Meena sponsored his granddaughter’s education as a mark of respect and appreciation for the life lesson she received.
6. What role did the beggar play in Meena’s transformation?
Answer : The beggar unintentionally became a role model for Meena, teaching her to appreciate life’s blessings and to find happiness in simplicity. This changed her outlook on life entirely.
7. What realization did Meena have after observing the beggar?
Answer : Meena realized she had been ungrateful for her many privileges and decided to focus on the positive aspects of her life. This marked the beginning of her transformation into a happier person.
8. Why did it take Meena two years to change her attitude?
Answer : Changing a lifelong habit of negativity wasn’t easy, but Meena worked hard to develop a positive outlook. Over time, she trained herself to find happiness in every situation.
9. What did the narrator learn from Meena’s story?
Answer : The narrator realized that profound lessons could come from unexpected sources. Meena’s story showed the value of gratitude, positivity, and finding joy in life’s simple moments.
10. What is the key message of “A Lesson in Life from a Beggar”?
Answer : The story teaches that true happiness lies in appreciating what we have and finding joy in life’s little things. It emphasizes the importance of gratitude and a positive mindset.
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