Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 10
Short Questions
1. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly?
Answer : He feared his wings were too weak to support him.
2. What did his siblings do that he could not?
Answer : They flew off the ledge successfully.
3. How did the parents try to encourage the young seagull?
Answer : They scolded and threatened him with starvation.
4. What did the young seagull observe his family doing?
Answer : They were teaching his siblings how to fly, dive, and catch fish.
5. Why did the young seagull feel hungry?
Answer : He had not eaten for more than 24 hours.
6. What tempted the young seagull to take a risk?
Answer : His mother offered him a piece of fish but stopped midway.
7. What happened when the young seagull dived for the fish?
Answer : He fell into space and instinctively began to fly.
8. How did the young seagull feel while flying for the first time?
Answer : He was initially afraid but soon felt joy and confidence.
9. What did his family do after he started flying?
Answer : They celebrated his success and encouraged him further.
10. What did the young seagull see beneath him while flying?
Answer : He saw the vast green sea with ridges of waves.
11. How did the young seagull land on the sea?
Answer : He tried to stand on it, sank slightly, and realized he could float.
12. What was the family’s reaction to the young seagull landing on water?
Answer : They praised him and offered him scraps of fish.
13. Why did the seagull scream before his flight?
Answer : He screamed out of hunger and desperation.
14. What was the young seagull’s first reaction to falling?
Answer : He felt monstrous terror and thought he would die.
15. What lesson does the young seagull learn?
Answer : He learns that he is capable of flying and surviving.
Long Questions
1. Why was the young seagull reluctant to fly initially?
Answer : The young seagull lacked confidence in his wings and was terrified of falling. Despite his siblings’ success, he doubted his abilities and refused to leave the ledge. His fear paralyzed him, keeping him hungry and isolated.
2. How did the seagull’s parents motivate him to fly?
Answer : The parents scolded him, threatened to leave him hungry, and even mocked him for his cowardice. His mother played a crucial role by tempting him with food, forcing him to take a leap out of desperation. Their tough love ultimately pushed him to fly.
3. What role did hunger play in the young seagull’s first flight?
Answer : Hunger became unbearable for the young seagull after 24 hours without food. When his mother teased him with a piece of fish, his desperation drove him to dive for it, leading to his first flight.
4. What happened when the young seagull finally took his first flight?
Answer : Initially terrified, he instinctively began to flap his wings and felt the wind lift him. Gradually, he realized he could fly and started soaring confidently, experiencing joy and freedom for the first time.
5. How did the young seagull’s family react to his first flight?
Answer : His family celebrated his success by flying alongside him and encouraging him. They later welcomed him onto the water, praised him, and offered him scraps of food as a reward.
6. What emotions did the young seagull experience during his first flight?
Answer : He felt monstrous terror when he first dived, but this quickly turned into exhilaration and joy as he discovered the freedom of flying. His fear was replaced by confidence and excitement.
7. What is the significance of the young seagull landing on the sea?
Answer : Landing on the sea marked a new milestone in the seagull’s journey. He overcame his fear of falling and learned not only to fly but also to float, further boosting his confidence and independence.
8. What moral lesson does the story of the young seagull teach?
Answer : The story teaches that courage and persistence are essential to overcoming fear. With the support of loved ones and the willingness to take risks, one can achieve success and discover hidden potential.
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