Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 10
Short Questions
1. What does the poet ask from the moon?
Answer : The poet asks for a basketful or two of moonlight.
2. Why does the poet want moonlight?
Answer : To light the dark path from the city to his village.
3. Why is the village route dangerous?
Answer : It is full of snakes and scorpions.
4. When does the poet’s father return home?
Answer : His father returns home late at night.
5. What does the poet want to hear from his father?
Answer : He wants to hear fairy tales and stories.
6. Why does the poet want his father home early?
Answer : So he can spend time with him before sleeping.
7. What does the poet plan to do with the moonlight?
Answer : He plans to sow seeds of moonlight along the path.
8. What does the poet compare the moonlight to?
Answer : He compares it to seeds that can light up the path.
9. Why does the poet’s father leave early in the morning?
Answer : He has to travel far for work.
10. How does the poet describe his village?
Answer : The village is quite far and has no bus or cart service.
11. What does the poet dream of?
Answer : He dreams of lighting up the path to make it safer.
12. What does the moon symbolize in the poem?
Answer : It symbolizes hope and illumination.
Long Questions
1. Why does the poet want moonlight in the poem?
Answer : The poet wants moonlight to light up the dark and dangerous path between the city and his village. He hopes this will make the route safe for villagers, especially for his father, who returns home late at night.
2. What problems does the poet highlight about the village?
Answer : The poet describes the village path as tough, far, and filled with snakes and scorpions. There are no buses or carts available, making it difficult and unsafe for villagers to commute.
3. Why is the poet unable to spend time with his father?
Answer : The poet’s father returns home late at night after the poet has fallen asleep. He leaves early in the morning for work, so they don’t get time to talk or bond.
4. What does the poet plan to do with the seeds of moonlight?
Answer : The poet wants to sow the seeds of moonlight along the dark village path. This will illuminate the route, making it safer for the villagers and ensuring his father can return home early.
5. Why does the poet want his father to return home early?
Answer : The poet wishes to spend time with his father and hear fairy tales and stories from him. He feels lonely without these interactions, as his father’s work keeps him away.
6. What does the poem say about the daily life of villagers?
Answer : The villagers travel to the city every day for work and return late at night. Their lives are filled with hardships as the long and unsafe journey makes their routine challenging.
7. What does the moon symbolize for the poet?
Answer : The moon symbolizes hope, light, and a solution to the darkness and danger in the village. It represents the poet’s wish for safety, comfort, and a closer relationship with his father.
8. How does the poet use nature to express his emotions?
Answer : The poet personifies the moon and asks for its light to solve the problems of darkness. He creatively envisions planting seeds of moonlight, reflecting his hope and longing for a brighter, safer life.
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