Important Question For All Chapters – English Class 10
Short Questions
1. What is the central theme of the poem “A Teenager’s Prayer”?
Answer : The central theme is about making the right choices and seeking guidance for a righteous life.
2. What does the poet ask God to help him resist?
Answer : The poet asks God to help him resist temptation.
3. What does the poet mean by “darkened road”?
Answer : It refers to the path of evil or wrong choices.
4. What age group does the speaker belong to?
Answer : The speaker belongs to the teenage age group.
5. What is the poet’s ultimate desire for his teenage years?
Answer : To ensure that his teenage years are the best years of his life.
6. What brings new opportunities, according to the poet?
Answer : Each new day brings new opportunities.
7. What figure of speech is used in “Please open up my eyes, dear Lord”?
Answer : Apostrophe.
8. What does the poet wish to maintain in his life?
Answer : The poet wishes to maintain a clean and fit body.
9. What rhyme scheme does the poem follow?
Answer : The poem follows the rhyme scheme aabb.
10. Who does the poet want to walk with him in life?
Answer : The poet wants God to walk with him in life.
Long Questions
1. What decisions does the speaker need to make in “A Teenager’s Prayer”?
Answer : The speaker must decide between two paths: one leading to success and happiness, and the other leading to distress and failure. These decisions are crucial as they shape his life and future. The poem highlights the importance of making thoughtful choices.
2. How does the poet describe the two roads in life?
Answer : The poet describes life as having two roads: one bright and promising, leading to great success, and the other dark and dreary, leading to distress. The choice of the road determines one’s future. The poet emphasizes choosing wisely.
3. What does the poet pray for regarding his moral character?
Answer : The poet prays for strength and clarity to stand for what is right and resist any form of temptation. He seeks God’s help to bring out the best in himself. His prayer reflects a desire for moral and personal growth.
4. How should one react to temptation, according to the poet?
Answer : The poet suggests resisting temptation by staying strong and disciplined. He highlights the importance of saying “no” to harmful influences. Resisting temptation ensures a clean and successful life.
5. Why does the poet emphasize seeking divine guidance?
Answer : The poet believes divine guidance provides clarity and wisdom to make the right decisions in life. He feels it ensures a righteous and fulfilling journey. With God’s help, he aims to live his best life.
6. What does the poet hope to achieve by keeping his body clean?
Answer : By maintaining a clean and fit body, the poet aims to lead a healthy and disciplined life. He sees it as essential for physical and moral well-being. A clean body reflects a clean conscience.
7. What role does each new day play in the poet’s life?
Answer : Each new day brings fresh opportunities and the chance to make important decisions. It allows the poet to choose between right and wrong. The poet views each day as a new beginning.
8. Why does the poet want God to walk with him in life?
Answer : The poet wants God’s companionship to guide him through challenges and keep him on the right path. He believes life is best lived with divine support. God’s presence provides strength and confidence.
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