MCQ Chapter 4.5 The Last Lesson Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What did Franz wonder about the pigeons?If they would be caughtIf they would be forced to sing in GermanIf they were leaving AlsaceIf they understood the lessonQuestion 1 of 202. How long had M.Hamel been teaching in the village?10 years20 years30 years40 yearsQuestion 2 of 203. What did M.Hamel write on the blackboard at the end?"Goodbye, students""Learn German""VIVE LA FRANCE!""Alsace is lost"Question 3 of 204. How did M.Hamel dismiss the class?With a speechWith a prayerBy ringing a bellWith a silent gestureQuestion 4 of 205. What was M.Hamel’s mood during his last lesson?AngryCheerfulSad but patientExcitedQuestion 5 of 206. What did M.Hamel say about the importance of language?It was useless in warIt was the key to freedomIt was easy to replaceIt was only for scholarsQuestion 6 of 207. Why were the village elders present in the classroom?To punish the studentsTo attend school for the first timeTo show respect for M.Hamel and regret their lost educationTo learn GermanQuestion 7 of 208. Why was the lesson referred to as "The Last Lesson"?The school was closingM.Hamel was retiringOnly German would be taught from then onThe students were graduatingQuestion 8 of 209. What did Franz realize about his books after learning about the last lesson?They were a burdenThey were his old friendsThey were uselessThey were boringQuestion 9 of 2010. What did M.Hamel blame the parents for?Sending their children to work instead of schoolNot paying school feesEncouraging German learningDisrespecting teachersQuestion 10 of 2011. What was the general atmosphere in the classroom during the last lesson?Chaotic and loudEmotional and silentFestive and joyfulFearful and anxiousQuestion 11 of 2012. What did M.Hamel say about his own role in the failure of education?He had been too strictHe had sent students on errands instead of teaching themHe had ignored students’ needsHe had favored only a few studentsQuestion 12 of 2013. What effect did M.Hamel’s speech have on Franz?He felt proud of himselfHe became determined to study harderHe wanted to move to another countryHe lost interest in schoolQuestion 13 of 2014. What did M.Hamel want the students to do with the French language?Forget itLearn German insteadPreserve it and never forget itUse it only in privateQuestion 14 of 2015. What did Franz regret the most?That he had to leave schoolThat he never appreciated his studiesThat M.Hamel was strictThat he didn’t listen to his parentsQuestion 15 of 2016. How did the villagers show their respect for M.Hamel?By clapping for himBy attending his last lessonBy gifting him presentsBy writing letters of gratitudeQuestion 16 of 2017. What event signaled the end of the lesson?The school bell ringingThe church clock striking twelveThe Prussians entering the classroomThe mayor making an announcementQuestion 17 of 2018. What prevented M.Hamel from completing his farewell speech?He was interrupted by soldiersHe became too emotionalThe students started cryingHe had no more words to sayQuestion 18 of 2019. What did M.Hamel do after writing "VIVE LA FRANCE!"?He left the classroomHe dismissed the students with a silent gestureHe gave another lessonHe broke his chalkQuestion 19 of 2020. What does "VIVE LA FRANCE!" mean?France has lostLong live FranceGoodbye to FranceRemember FranceQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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