MCQ Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What did Prospero do at the end of the play?Took revengeForgave his enemiesExiled himselfBecame kingQuestion 1 of 202. What did Prospero do with his magical powers?Increased themTaught MirandaGave them to ArielGave them upQuestion 2 of 203. What was Miranda and Ferdinand’s fate?They got marriedThey were separatedThey became rulers of the islandThey never met againQuestion 3 of 204. Where did everyone go at the end of the story?Stayed on the islandSailed back to NaplesProspero stayed behindThe ship was lostQuestion 4 of 205. What did Ariel request from Prospero?More magical powersHis freedomA reward of goldA higher rankQuestion 5 of 206. What did Prospero promise Ariel in return for his obedience?A share of the kingdomFreedom in two daysA powerful spellA human formQuestion 6 of 207. How did Prospero prevent Ferdinand from fighting?He locked him in a caveHe cast a spellHe made him take an oathHe took away his swordQuestion 7 of 208. Why did Prospero test Ferdinand’s love for Miranda?To make him sufferTo ensure his love was trueTo trick him into stayingTo break their bondQuestion 8 of 209. What did Ferdinand promise Miranda?He would return to NaplesHe would never see her againHe would marry herHe would challenge ProsperoQuestion 9 of 2010. How did Ariel trick Antonio and Sebastian?By leading them into a caveBy placing a feast before themBy stealing their weaponsBy sinking their shipQuestion 10 of 2011. What was King Alonso’s main regret?Losing his kingdomTrusting AntonioLosing his son FerdinandExiling ProsperoQuestion 11 of 2012. Who convinced Antonio and Sebastian to kill Alonso?GonzaloProsperoArielAntonio himselfQuestion 12 of 2013. What made Alonso realize his mistake?Ariel’s reminder of past crimesProspero’s direct confrontationA vision in a dreamMiranda’s wordsQuestion 13 of 2014. Where was the royal ship during the entire incident?At the bottom of the seaAnchored safely near the islandDestroyed by the tempestTaken away by piratesQuestion 14 of 2015. How did Alonso react upon seeing Ferdinand alive?He was furiousHe was overjoyedHe refused to believe itHe blamed ProsperoQuestion 15 of 2016. What game were Ferdinand and Miranda playing when Alonso found them?ChessCardsA puzzleHide-and-seekQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Prospero do with his magical staff?He gave it to ArielHe destroyed itHe left it on the islandHe used it to rule NaplesQuestion 17 of 2018. What was the fate of Antonio at the end?He was punished harshlyHe was forgivenHe was banished from NaplesHe was imprisonedQuestion 18 of 2019. What happened to Ariel at the end of the story?He stayed with ProsperoHe was punishedHe was set freeHe was given more powersQuestion 19 of 2020. How did Prospero feel at the end of the play?VengefulAt peaceRegretfulLonelyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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