MCQ Chapter 4.4 The Tempest Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. Who was the rightful Duke of Milan?AntonioAlonsoProsperoFerdinandQuestion 1 of 202. How did Antonio manage to take over the Dukedom of Milan?By fighting a warBy exiling ProsperoBy marrying the king’s daughterBy poisoning ProsperoQuestion 2 of 203. Who remained loyal to Prospero even after his exile?AntonioGonzaloSebastianCalibanQuestion 3 of 204. What did Gonzalo place in the boat along with Prospero and Miranda?WeaponsGold and jewelsFood, clothes, and booksMaps and a compassQuestion 4 of 205. Who was the ruler of Naples?ProsperoAlonsoAntonioGonzaloQuestion 5 of 206. Where did Prospero and Miranda reach after being set adrift?An unknown continentA deserted cityAn enchanted islandA neighboring kingdomQuestion 6 of 207. Who had previously controlled the enchanted island?ProsperoArielSycoraxFerdinandQuestion 7 of 208. What magical power did Prospero possess?Control over timeAbility to create stormsImmortalityShape-shiftingQuestion 8 of 209. Who was trapped in the trees on the island?SpiritsSailorsKnightsPrisonersQuestion 9 of 2010. Who was the chief of the spirits Prospero freed?ArielCalibanSebastianGonzaloQuestion 10 of 2011. Who was Caliban?The king’s sonA monsterA loyal knightA noblemanQuestion 11 of 2012. Why did Prospero raise a storm?To destroy his enemiesTo capture a shipTo bring his enemies within his powerTo protect MirandaQuestion 12 of 2013. Who pleaded for the ship’s crew during the tempest?ProsperoMirandaArielGonzaloQuestion 13 of 2014. What happened to Prince Ferdinand during the storm?He drownedHe disappearedHe leaped into the seaHe was capturedQuestion 14 of 2015. How did Ariel bring Ferdinand to Miranda?By carrying himBy guiding him with musicBy tying him with a ropeBy using a magic spellQuestion 15 of 2016. How did Ferdinand react upon seeing Miranda?He tried to escapeHe was amazedHe suspected a trickHe ignored herQuestion 16 of 2017. How did Prospero test Ferdinand’s love?By imprisoning himBy making him fight CalibanBy making him carry logsBy asking him riddlesQuestion 17 of 2018. What crime did Antonio and Sebastian plan?Stealing the shipKilling AlonsoPoisoning ProsperoCapturing MirandaQuestion 18 of 2019. Who prevented Alonso’s murder?ProsperoArielFerdinandGonzaloQuestion 19 of 2020. What punishment did Prospero give Antonio and his men?ImprisonmentHe cast a spell on themHe left them on the islandHe made them workQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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