MCQ Chapter 4.2 Reading Works of Art Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What role do women play in the roots of folk art?They were the first artistsThey used natural colours in daily choresThey only observed and appreciated artThey had no role in folk artQuestion 1 of 202. Which of the following materials was not traditionally used to prepare colours in Gond art?Tree barkPlant juiceAcrylic paintCoalQuestion 2 of 203. How is the texture in Gond art usually created?By using a single brushstrokeThrough dots, lines, and curvesBy splashing paint randomlyUsing only black and white coloursQuestion 3 of 204. The Gond tribal people have been living in India for how many years?A few hundred yearsA few decadesThousands of yearsSince the Mughal eraQuestion 4 of 205. The outlines in Gond art:Always remain the same for all artistsMay vary from artist to artistAre always circularAre usually invisibleQuestion 5 of 206. What effect do Gond paintings create?A dull and dark moodAn amazing and beautiful lookA highly technical impressionA message of modernismQuestion 6 of 207. Gond art was originally drawn on:Wooden boardsMarbleEarthen wallsGlassQuestion 7 of 208. In the past, Gond artists used which natural material to create black colour?TurmericIndigoCoalSandQuestion 8 of 209. The most common themes in Gond paintings include:Urban landscapesCars and buildingsNature, animals, and folkloreAbstract futuristic shapesQuestion 9 of 2010. Why is creating folk art an enriching experience?It allows artists to use expensive materialsArtists must follow strict guidelinesThe process involves preparing the canvas and coloursIt is very easy and requires no creativityQuestion 10 of 2011. Why do Gond paintings often use bright colours?To create a visually appealing effectBecause they are easy to findBecause traditional artists didn’t like dark coloursTo imitate Western artQuestion 11 of 2012. How is folk art usually passed down?Through books and formal educationThrough a structured university courseFrom generation to generation naturallyOnly through museumsQuestion 12 of 2013. What is a unique feature of Raza’s paintings?Complex human figuresUse of calligraphyBalance and imbalance in compositionUse of photographyQuestion 13 of 2014. Which of these is not a feature of Raza’s paintings?Captivating compositionsGeometric shapesRealistic human figuresStriking colour combinationsQuestion 14 of 2015. What made Raza’s paintings unique among abstract works?They lacked deep meaningThey communicated deeply with viewersThey used only one colourThey were inspired by European styles onlyQuestion 15 of 2016. What does ‘bindu’ symbolize in Raza’s paintings?The universe and spiritual energyA meaningless dotA signature elementA technique borrowed from Western artistsQuestion 16 of 2017. Why do people find Raza’s abstract paintings appealing?Because they contain hidden messagesDue to their deep connection with Indian heritage and philosophyBecause they are similar to Gond artDue to their photorealistic accuracyQuestion 17 of 2018. Why do some artists prefer abstract painting?To express emotions beyond realistic formsBecause they cannot draw realistic figuresTo avoid criticismTo copy other artistsQuestion 18 of 2019. How does Raza’s work stand out in the field of abstract art?It contains complex wordsIt uses geometric patterns with deep meaningIt is completely randomIt follows a fixed formulaQuestion 19 of 2020. What legacy did Raza leave behind?A collection of scientific research papersA series of poetry booksA legacy of abstract paintings with extraordinary compositionsA collection of Western-style artworkQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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