MCQ Chapter 3.5 Great Scientists Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What major scientific principle is named after Michael Faraday?Newton’s LawsMaxwell’s EquationsFaraday’s LawsOhm’s LawQuestion 1 of 202. Where was Michael Faraday born?New YorkLondonParisBerlinQuestion 2 of 203. What speech defect did Faraday have as a child?StutteringLispingMispronouncing wordsMutismQuestion 3 of 204. At what age did Faraday leave school?8101215Question 4 of 205. What job did Faraday take up at the age of 13?Assistant in a laboratoryBookbinderApprentice blacksmithStreet vendorQuestion 5 of 206. How did Faraday first get introduced to electricity?By attending collegeThrough an experiment in schoolBy reading a book on electricityBy working in a laboratoryQuestion 6 of 207. Who was the scientist that inspired Faraday?Thomas EdisonHumphry DavyAlbert EinsteinIsaac NewtonQuestion 7 of 208. How did Faraday attend Humphry Davy’s lecture?He paid for a ticketHe sneaked into the lectureA friend gave him a free ticketHe was invited by DavyQuestion 8 of 209. What did Faraday do with his notes from Davy’s lecture?He published them in a journalHe bound them into a bookHe sold themHe shared them with his friendsQuestion 9 of 2010. Why did Davy initially reject Faraday as his assistant?He lacked formal educationHe was too youngHe had a speech defectHe had no experience in chemistryQuestion 10 of 2011. How did Faraday eventually get hired by Davy?He impressed him with his knowledgeHe wrote a letter to DavyDavy needed an assistant after an accidentHe bribed someone for the jobQuestion 11 of 2012. What was Faraday’s first role in Davy’s lab?Chief scientistLab assistantSecretaryChemical analystQuestion 12 of 2013. What was Faraday’s first major scientific achievement?Discovery of the light bulbCreation of the induction motorInvention of the telephoneDiscovery of gravityQuestion 13 of 2014. What reaction did Davy have to Faraday’s success?He was proudHe was jealousHe ignored itHe supported himQuestion 14 of 2015. What task did Davy give Faraday to keep him occupied?Reverse engineer Bavarian glassInvent a new type of batteryConduct experiments in physicsWrite a book on electricityQuestion 15 of 2016. How long did Faraday struggle with the Bavarian glass task?1 year2 years3 years4 yearsQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Faraday do with a piece of Bavarian glass after failing the task?Threw it awayKept it as a souvenirSold itUsed it for another experimentQuestion 17 of 2018. What breakthrough did Faraday make in 1829?Discovery of an electrical generatorInvention of the light bulbCreation of the steam engineDiscovery of penicillinQuestion 18 of 2019. What illness did Faraday develop later in life?ParalysisMemory lossBlindnessHeart diseaseQuestion 19 of 2020. Who helped translate Faraday’s ideas into mathematical equations?Isaac NewtonJames MaxwellAlbert EinsteinCharles DarwinQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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