MCQ Chapter 3.3 To a Butterfly Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What kind of poem is "To a Butterfly"?A narrative poemA lyrical poemA balladA sonnetQuestion 1 of 202. What literary technique is used in "Oh! pleasant, pleasant were the days"?OnomatopoeiaRepetitionIronyMetaphorQuestion 2 of 203. The phrase "Stay near me—do not take thy flight!" suggests:UrgencyCuriosityHappinessIndifferenceQuestion 3 of 204. What does "thee" refer to in the poem?The poet’s sisterThe butterflyThe poet’s fatherA birdQuestion 4 of 205. What does the poet’s act of chasing the butterfly symbolize?His desire for wealthHis search for wisdomHis longing for childhood innocenceHis frustration with lifeQuestion 5 of 206. The poet’s sister Emmeline can be described as:BoldCarefulRecklessAdventurousQuestion 6 of 207. What does the poet mean by "A solemn image to my heart"?The butterfly makes him sadThe butterfly reminds him of something importantThe butterfly is difficult to catchThe butterfly is his petQuestion 7 of 208. The poet refers to himself as "a very hunter" because:He hunted animalsHe chased the butterfly energeticallyHe was a professional hunterHe collected butterfliesQuestion 8 of 209. The butterfly in the poem represents:Lost opportunitiesThe poet’s futureFleeting moments of joyA symbol of painQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the effect of inversion in the poem?It makes the poem confusingIt emphasizes certain words and creates rhythmIt follows strict grammar rulesIt changes the meaning of the poemQuestion 10 of 2011. Who is the poet of "To a Butterfly"?Robert FrostWilliam WordsworthJohn KeatsEmily DickinsonQuestion 11 of 2012. The phrase "God love her" in reference to Emmeline suggests:The poet’s admiration for herThe poet’s dislike for herThe poet’s indifferenceThe poet’s criticismQuestion 12 of 2013. The butterfly’s movements are compared to:A flying birdA floating leafA historian bringing back the pastA gentle breezeQuestion 13 of 2014. What does "Do not take thy flight" mean?Do not go awayFly higherSit on my handReturn to your homeQuestion 14 of 2015. What is the main theme of the poem?Nature’s crueltyThe joy of childhood memoriesThe struggles of adulthoodThe dangers of chasing dreamsQuestion 15 of 2016. Why does the poet address the butterfly directly?To show admiration for its beautyTo personify it as a connection to his pastTo warn it of dangerTo make it sound magicalQuestion 16 of 2017. What is the mood of the poem?Angry and frustratedJoyful and humorousNostalgic and reflectiveFearful and anxiousQuestion 17 of 2018. Which of the following lines contains a metaphor?"Stay near me—do not take thy flight!""Historian of my infancy!""Much converse do I find in thee""I followed on from brake to bush"Question 18 of 2019. Which poetic device is used in "Oh! pleasant, pleasant were the days"?HyperboleOnomatopoeiaRepetitionSimileQuestion 19 of 2020. What lesson does the poem convey?Nature should be fearedChildhood memories are precious and fleetingButterflies are symbols of misfortuneAdults should not reminisce about the pastQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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