MCQ Chapter 3.2 The Fall of Troy Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. How did the Greeks signal their return to Troy?They fired arrowsThey sent a messengerA red light was raised on a shipThey used a drumbeatQuestion 1 of 202. Who set fire to Troy?The TrojansThe Greek armyParisHector’s ghostQuestion 2 of 203. What was the fate of Hector’s wife and family?They escapedThey were taken as slavesThey were killed in battleThey were rescued by the godsQuestion 3 of 204. What did the Trojans do before sleeping that night?They reinforced their defensesThey prayed to the godsThey feasted and celebratedThey set up guards at the gatesQuestion 4 of 205. What remained of Troy the next morning?A few surviving soldiersA ruined and burnt cityA victorious Trojan armyA powerful empireQuestion 5 of 206. What was the main economic activity in Troy before the war?FishingTradingFarmingMetalworkQuestion 6 of 207. What geographical feature helped Troy grow into a prosperous city?Dense forestsNearby desertAccess to the sea and fertile landsA vast mountain rangeQuestion 7 of 208. What was the primary reason the Greeks could not capture Troy for ten years?The Trojans had a strong navyThe Trojan wall was well-built and protected themThe Greeks did not have enough soldiersThe Greeks lacked food suppliesQuestion 8 of 209. What was the Greek strategy before using the wooden horse?Continuous battlesA long siegeTricking the TrojansAll of the aboveQuestion 9 of 2010. What was inside the wooden horse?Gold and treasuresGreek spiesGreek warriorsGreek prisonersQuestion 10 of 2011. Who was the last Greek warrior to enter the wooden horse?AchillesMenelausThe architect who built itOdysseusQuestion 11 of 2012. What did the Trojans believe about the wooden horse?It was a gift to the godsIt was a trapIt contained soldiersIt was a weaponQuestion 12 of 2013. Why did the Trojans ignore their priest’s warning?They were desperate for peaceThey were eager to celebrateThey believed the Greek soldier’s lieAll of the aboveQuestion 13 of 2014. What action allowed the Greeks to enter Troy at night?The Trojans left the gates openThe Greeks climbed the wallsThe Greek warriors inside the horse opened the gatesThe Trojans surrenderedQuestion 14 of 2015. What signal did the Greeks use to return to Troy?A torchlightA red light from Agamemnon’s shipA horn blastA bird’s cryQuestion 15 of 2016. What did the Greeks do immediately after entering the city?Set fire to TroyFought the Trojan armyCelebrated victoryTook control of the palaceQuestion 16 of 2017. What was the fate of King Priam?He was taken prisonerHe was killedHe escaped TroyHe surrendered and was sparedQuestion 17 of 2018. What was Helen’s reaction when she saw Menelaus?She ran awayShe begged for mercyShe was ashamed and speechlessShe fought against himQuestion 18 of 2019. Why did Menelaus forgive Helen?He still loved herHe blamed Aphrodite for her actionsHe wanted to take her back to GreeceAll of the aboveQuestion 19 of 2020. What remained of Troy by morning?The city still stoodA few houses remainedOnly ruins and ashesThe Trojan army regroupedQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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