MCQ Chapter 3.2 The Fall of Troy Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What was the name of the city that was under siege in the story?AthensSpartaTroyRomeQuestion 1 of 202. Where was Troy located?Near the Red SeaNear the Aegean SeaNear the Arabian SeaNear the Pacific OceanQuestion 2 of 203. Why did the Greeks declare war on Troy?Because Troy attacked Greece firstBecause of a dispute over trade routesBecause Paris took Helen from MenelausBecause the Greeks wanted to conquer new landsQuestion 3 of 204. How long did the siege of Troy last?Five yearsTen yearsFifteen yearsTwenty yearsQuestion 4 of 205. What protected Troy from enemy attacks?A natural moatHigh mountainsA strong wallA magical barrierQuestion 5 of 206. Who was the leader of the Greek forces?MenelausAchillesOdysseusAgamemnonQuestion 6 of 207. Who was the bravest warrior of Troy?HectorParisOdysseusMenelausQuestion 7 of 208. Who killed Hector?ParisAgamemnonAchillesOdysseusQuestion 8 of 209. What was the only weak spot on Achilles’ body?His handHis heelHis chestHis kneeQuestion 9 of 2010. How did Achilles die?He was poisonedHe was stabbed in the heartHe was hit by a poisoned arrow in his heelHe was drownedQuestion 10 of 2011. Who devised the plan of the wooden horse?AchillesParisOdysseusMenelausQuestion 11 of 2012. What was the purpose of the wooden horse?To serve as a peace offeringTo trick the Trojans and hide Greek soldiers insideTo be used as a battering ramTo transport supplies into TroyQuestion 12 of 2013. What did the Greeks do to make the Trojans believe they had left?Sent messengers to announce peaceLeft gold and treasures as a giftBurned their tents and pretended to sail awayDeclared a truceQuestion 13 of 2014. Who was left behind to convince the Trojans to bring the horse inside?A Greek warrior pretending to be a prisonerA captured TrojanA Greek priestA messenger from the godsQuestion 14 of 2015. Why did the Trojans bring the horse into their city?They thought it was a gift to the godsThey wanted to burn it for woodThey planned to use it as a weaponThey wanted to display it as a war trophyQuestion 15 of 2016. Who warned the Trojans against bringing the horse inside?Hector’s ghostA Trojan priestKing PriamA Greek prisonerQuestion 16 of 2017. What happened the night after the horse was brought inside?The Greeks inside the horse opened the gatesThe Greek army returnedThe city was attacked and burnedAll of the aboveQuestion 17 of 2018. Who was the King of Troy?MenelausPriamParisHectorQuestion 18 of 2019. What happened to King Priam?He was capturedHe was killedHe fled the cityHe surrenderedQuestion 19 of 2020. What happened to Helen after Troy fell?She was killedShe escaped to another landShe was taken back by MenelausShe became a Greek queenQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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