MCQ Chapter 2.5 A Play Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. How does the thief describe himself and his friend?Lazy and dishonestHard-working and honest thievesInnocent merchantsClever businessmenQuestion 1 of 202. What kind of sweets and vegetables can be bought at the same price in Andher Nagari?Gold and silverSpices and teaSweets and vegetablesFruits and meatQuestion 2 of 203. What is the first reaction of the second guard when the king is about to arrive?He is excitedHe is lazy and uninterestedHe salutes the kingHe runs awayQuestion 3 of 204. Why does the disciple come to Andher Nagari?To buy goodsTo meet the kingTo explore the land where everything is sold at the same priceTo rob the merchantsQuestion 4 of 205. What does the king call himself before giving a verdict?The wisest rulerThe most noble and just kingThe most powerful kingThe kindest manQuestion 5 of 206. Why does the king decide to hang the money-lender’s daughter?She insulted himShe distracted the potter while he was making the potShe stole from the goldsmithShe refused to marry the goldsmithQuestion 6 of 207. What is the money-lender’s reaction when his daughter is accused?He argues with the kingHe begs for her lifeHe demands justiceHe offers gold as compensationQuestion 7 of 208. What happens when the king orders the goldsmith to be hanged?He escapes from jailHe bribes the guardsThe noose does not fit himThe queen pleads for his lifeQuestion 8 of 209. How does the hangman find the right person for the noose?By measuring neck sizesBy randomly picking a personBy checking who it fits properlyBy asking the kingQuestion 9 of 2010. What is the sage’s final trick to save his disciple?He tells the king that whoever is hanged will be reborn as the next rulerHe fights the guardsHe tells the queen to interveneHe bribes the hangmanQuestion 10 of 2011. How does the king react to the sage’s trick?He ignores itHe orders the sage to be jailedHe decides to hang himself insteadHe lets the disciple go freeQuestion 11 of 2012. What is the central theme of the play?Bravery and loyaltyCorruption and justiceFoolishness and blind justiceLove and sacrificeQuestion 12 of 2013. What lesson does the play teach about leadership?A king should be strictBlind justice leads to chaosA king should never listen to his subjectsA king should always be fearedQuestion 13 of 2014. Why is the play considered a satire?It mocks foolish rulers and absurd justiceIt tells a heroic taleIt promotes dictatorshipIt praises the king’s wisdomQuestion 14 of 2015. What kind of king is Chaupat?Wise and strongJust and mercifulFoolish and gullibleCruel and heartlessQuestion 15 of 2016. Who gets caught in the chain of blame but manages to escape punishment?The goldsmithThe bricklayerThe merchantThe money-lender’s daughterQuestion 16 of 2017. What does the phrase "Andher Nagari" symbolize?A well-organized kingdomA place where justice prevailsA kingdom of disorder and absurdityA land of great wealthQuestion 17 of 2018. What ultimately happens to King Chaupat?He is exiledHe dies believing he will be reborn as a greater kingHe learns his lesson and reformsHe is overthrown by his peopleQuestion 18 of 2019. What literary device is used throughout the play?MetaphorIronyHyperboleAlliterationQuestion 19 of 2020. Why is "justice delayed is justice denied" ironic in the context of the play?The king actually speeds up justice, but in a foolish wayThe play shows that real justice is never servedThe people are happy with the king’s decisionsThe king makes fair decisionsQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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