MCQ Chapter 2.5 A Play Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What is the name of the kingdom in the play?Ghangor NagariAndher NagariChaupat NagariMangal NagariQuestion 1 of 202. Who is the king of Andher Nagari?King VikramKing AshokaKing ChaupatKing PratapQuestion 2 of 203. What is special about the market in Andher Nagari?Everything is freeEverything is sold at the same priceOnly gold is acceptedThere is no marketQuestion 3 of 204. Who is the first character to enter the king's court in the play?The KingThe GuardsThe DiscipleThe ThiefQuestion 4 of 205. Why does the thief complain to the king?He lost his stolen moneyHis friend was killed when a wall collapsedHe was caught by the guardsHe was cheated by the merchantQuestion 5 of 206. Whom does the king initially blame for the thief's friend’s death?The bricklayerThe merchantThe thief himselfThe guardsQuestion 6 of 207. What does the merchant say in his defense?The thief should not have broken into his houseThe bricklayer is responsible for the weak wallThe guards are responsible for securityHe didn’t know about the wall’s conditionQuestion 7 of 208. Who does the bricklayer blame for the poor construction?The merchantThe mortar-makerThe kingThe guardsQuestion 8 of 209. Why does the mortar-maker say he is not responsible?He was not paid properlyThe pot he used had a large mouthThe guards forced him to do itThe merchant tricked himQuestion 9 of 2010. Who is finally blamed for making the defective pot?The guardsThe sageThe potterThe kingQuestion 10 of 2011. What excuse does the potter give?He was distracted by the money-lender’s daughterThe thief forced him to do itThe king ordered him to make the pot quicklyHe was not paid for his workQuestion 11 of 2012. What does the money-lender’s daughter say in her defense?She was on her way to buy foodShe was rushing to get her jewelry madeShe did not visit the potter’s shopShe was only singing and not walkingQuestion 12 of 2013. Why was the goldsmith unable to complete the daughter’s jewelry?He was making ornaments for the QueenHe ran out of goldHe was sickThe king ordered him to delay the workQuestion 13 of 2014. What happens when the goldsmith is ordered to be hanged?The noose does not fit himHe escapes from prisonHe offers a bribe to the kingThe king pardons himQuestion 14 of 2015. Who does the noose finally fit?The bricklayerThe discipleThe potterThe sageQuestion 15 of 2016. What does the sage request the king?To be allowed to leave the kingdomTo be hanged instead of his discipleTo be made the new kingTo be given gold and landQuestion 16 of 2017. Why does the sage say he wants to be hanged?He is tired of lifeHe believes the one who is hanged will become king in the next lifeHe wants to save his discipleHe is guilty of a crimeQuestion 17 of 2018. What does the king do upon hearing the sage’s words?He runs awayHe orders himself to be hangedHe releases everyoneHe arrests the sageQuestion 18 of 2019. What does the play primarily satirize?The importance of tradeThe foolishness of blind justice and illogical decisionsThe power of thievesThe kindness of the kingQuestion 19 of 2020. What proverb is reflected in the play?"Justice delayed is justice denied""As you sow, so shall you reap""A fool and his money are soon parted""Might is right"Question 20 of 20 Loading...
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