MCQ Chapter 2.2 Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What happened to Helen Keller when she was a toddler?She fell from a treeShe lost her ability to see and hear due to an illnessShe had a speech disorder from birthShe was born blind and deafQuestion 1 of 202. How old was Helen when Anne Sullivan arrived?Three years oldFive years oldAlmost seven years oldTen years oldQuestion 2 of 203. How did Helen feel when Anne Sullivan first took her in her arms?Confused but comfortedAngry and frustratedFearful and hesitantIndifferentQuestion 3 of 204. What was the first thing Miss Sullivan did when she arrived?She started spelling words into Helen’s handShe played with HelenShe read books to HelenShe took Helen outside for a walkQuestion 4 of 205. What caused Helen’s frustration before she understood language?She disliked Miss SullivanShe did not understand that words had meaningsShe was tired of learningShe did not want to learn new thingsQuestion 5 of 206. What object helped Helen finally understand the concept of words?A bookA dollWaterA cupQuestion 6 of 207. What was Helen’s first emotional reaction after understanding words?AngerExcitement and joyFearDisappointmentQuestion 7 of 208. What did Helen compare her new awareness to?A sunrise breaking the darknessA river flowingA bird learning to flyA door openingQuestion 8 of 209. What did Helen do after returning to the house from the well-house?She ignored everything around herShe touched everything and wanted to know its nameShe sat quietly in a cornerShe went to sleepQuestion 9 of 2010. Why did Helen feel regret for breaking her doll?She realized for the first time what loss and sorrow felt likeShe wanted a new dollShe thought Miss Sullivan would be angryShe was punished for itQuestion 10 of 2011. What did Helen learn on the same day she understood the meaning of words?Names of her family membersHow to write lettersHow to read BrailleHow to walk independentlyQuestion 11 of 2012. What made Helen’s world "blossom like Aaron’s rod with flowers"?Learning new wordsReceiving giftsTraveling to new placesReading booksQuestion 12 of 2013. How did Helen describe her feelings at the end of that eventful day?She was tired and wanted to sleepShe was eager for a new day to comeShe was angry about her past strugglesShe was indifferentQuestion 13 of 2014. What did Helen ultimately do in her life after overcoming her disabilities?She became a teacher and activist for the blind and deafShe chose to live in isolationShe refused to communicate with the worldShe struggled to learn anything newQuestion 14 of 2015. How long did Anne Sullivan and Helen Keller remain friends?Only during childhoodUntil Anne Sullivan’s deathUntil Helen was a teenagerOnly for a few yearsQuestion 15 of 2016. What was one of the key barriers Helen faced before she learned language?She could not communicate her thoughtsShe refused to learnShe disliked learning new thingsShe was afraid of Miss SullivanQuestion 16 of 2017. What did Miss Sullivan do to help Helen understand the difference between words?She used finger spelling repeatedlyShe wrote letters on a boardShe used picturesShe made Helen read booksQuestion 17 of 2018. What was Helen’s education like after her breakthrough?She learned eagerly and quicklyShe struggled to learn and gave upShe stopped learning after some timeShe disliked studyingQuestion 18 of 2019. What was Helen Keller’s greatest achievement?Learning to speak fluentlyGraduating cum laude from RadcliffeTraveling the world without helpBecoming a famous scientistQuestion 19 of 2020. What was the biggest impact of Anne Sullivan on Helen’s life?She taught Helen to understand languageShe helped Helen write booksShe introduced Helen to new peopleShe helped Helen live aloneQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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