MCQ Chapter 2.2 Helen Keller and Anne Sullivan Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What is the most important day in Helen Keller’s life?The day she was bornThe day she learned to writeThe day her teacher arrivedThe day she went to schoolQuestion 1 of 202. When did Anne Sullivan come to Helen Keller?March 3, 1887June 5, 1890January 1, 1900September 15, 1885Question 2 of 203. Where was Helen standing when she sensed something unusual was about to happen?In the gardenOn the porchIn her bedroomNear the well-houseQuestion 3 of 204. How did Helen describe her life before Anne Sullivan arrived?Full of happinessA world of darkness and emptinessA time of adventureA period of great learningQuestion 4 of 205. What did Helen compare her situation to before education began?A bird without wingsA ship lost in fogA tree without leavesA night without starsQuestion 5 of 206. What was the first word that Miss Sullivan taught Helen Keller?HatWaterDollMugQuestion 6 of 207. How did Helen feel when she successfully spelled a word for the first time?IndifferentAngryProud and excitedDisappointedQuestion 7 of 208. Where did Miss Sullivan take Helen when she taught her the meaning of "water"?The porchThe well-houseThe gardenThe kitchenQuestion 8 of 209. How did Helen react when she finally understood that words have meanings?She cried out of joyShe remained indifferentShe ran to tell her motherShe broke her dollQuestion 9 of 2010. What did Helen do in frustration before understanding the meaning of words?She refused to learnShe broke her dollShe ran awayShe ignored Miss SullivanQuestion 10 of 2011. Who had dressed the doll that Helen received?Her motherAnne SullivanLaura BridgmanHelen’s sisterQuestion 11 of 2012. What was Helen's emotional state before learning the meaning of words?Happy and cheerfulAngry and bitterCalm and peacefulExcited and hopefulQuestion 12 of 2013. What did Miss Sullivan do when Helen struggled to understand words?She gave upShe continued tryingShe asked another teacher for helpShe punished HelenQuestion 13 of 2014. What did Helen compare the revelation of words to?A sunriseA locked door openingLight shining in darknessA blooming flowerQuestion 14 of 2015. What did Helen do after understanding words had meanings?She lost interest in learningShe eagerly learned more wordsShe ignored Miss SullivanShe ran awayQuestion 15 of 2016. What did Helen realize after breaking her doll?That she was still confusedThat she had lost her favorite toyThat she felt sorrow for the first timeThat she no longer needed toysQuestion 16 of 2017. What kind of disability did Helen Keller have?She was deafShe was blindShe was both deaf and blindShe had a speech disorderQuestion 17 of 2018. What was Anne Sullivan’s role in Helen’s life?She was her doctorShe was her tutor and mentorShe was her nurseShe was her classmateQuestion 18 of 2019. How did Helen describe Miss Sullivan’s arrival in her life?As a moment of changeAs an ordinary eventAs something she dislikedAs a sad memoryQuestion 19 of 2020. What did Helen learn from Miss Sullivan apart from words?MusicLove and kindnessMathematicsScienceQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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