MCQ Chapter 1.5 The Necklace Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. Why was Mathilde unhappy with her life?She was married to a poor manShe had no wealth and luxuriesShe disliked her husbandShe did not have childrenQuestion 1 of 202. What was Mathilde’s husband’s occupation?TeacherBankerMinor official at the Ministry of EducationShopkeeperQuestion 2 of 203. What did Mathilde desire the most?A grand houseExpensive dresses and jewelryA loving husbandA high-ranking jobQuestion 3 of 204. Why did Mathilde avoid visiting her rich friend?She disliked herShe was envious of her wealthHer friend had insulted herShe had no timeQuestion 4 of 205. What invitation did Mathilde’s husband bring home?A wedding invitationAn invitation to a prestigious partyA business meetingA holiday tripQuestion 5 of 206. How did Mathilde react to the invitation?She was overjoyedShe was indifferentShe was upset about not having a proper dressShe immediately bought a new dressQuestion 6 of 207. How much money did Mathilde ask for a dress?200 francs400 francs1000 francs500 francsQuestion 7 of 208. What had her husband saved the money for?A vacationA hunting rifleA gift for MathildeTheir house rentQuestion 8 of 209. Why was Mathilde still upset after getting the dress?She had no jewelry to wearThe dress was not beautiful enoughShe had no shoesShe wanted a new hairstyleQuestion 9 of 2010. Whom did Mathilde borrow the necklace from?Her motherHer neighborMadame ForestierHer sisterQuestion 10 of 2011. How did Mathilde feel at the party?She was nervousShe was the most beautiful woman and felt happyShe regretted comingShe stayed in the backgroundQuestion 11 of 2012. What happened after Mathilde left the party?She lost the necklaceShe fell sickShe won a prizeHer husband lost his jobQuestion 12 of 2013. How did her husband react to the loss?He scolded herHe helped search for it everywhereHe bought a new one immediatelyHe ignored itQuestion 13 of 2014. How much did the replacement necklace cost?500 francs10,000 francs36,000 francs50,000 francsQuestion 14 of 2015. How did Mathilde and her husband arrange the money?Borrowed from banks and moneylendersSold their houseTook help from Madame ForestierUsed their savingsQuestion 15 of 2016. What did Mathilde do to repay the debt?Started working hard doing household choresSold her jewelryMoved to another cityAsked for help from her familyQuestion 16 of 2017. How long did it take to repay the debt?5 years10 years2 years15 yearsQuestion 17 of 2018. What was Mathilde’s physical appearance after 10 years?She was still beautifulShe looked old and worn outShe became richerShe gained weightQuestion 18 of 2019. Where did Mathilde meet Madame Forestier after many years?At a partyAt a marketIn the Champs-ElyséesAt her houseQuestion 19 of 2020. What shocking truth did Mathilde learn from Madame Forestier?The necklace was an imitationThe necklace was stolenThe necklace was magicalThe necklace was cursedQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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