MCQ Chapter 1.4 The Story of Tea Class 9 English Maharashtra Board MCQ For All Chapters – English Class 9 1. What is the most widely consumed beverage in the world after water?CoffeeTeaMilkJuiceQuestion 1 of 202. What is the botanical name of the tea plant?Camellia indicaCamellia sinensisThea assamicaThea sinensisQuestion 2 of 203. What kind of climate does the tea plant require?Cold and dryWarm and humidHot and aridExtreme coldQuestion 3 of 204. At what elevation do the best tea estates usually grow?500 meters1000 meters1500 meters2000 metersQuestion 4 of 205. What are the young tea buds and leaves called?ShootsSproutsFlushesStemsQuestion 5 of 206. How often does a new flush appear during the peak growing season?Every 5 daysEvery 7-10 daysEvery 15 daysEvery monthQuestion 6 of 207. Why are tea plants pruned in tea gardens?To produce more flowersTo increase the height of the plantTo maintain an easy plucking heightTo make the leaves largerQuestion 7 of 208. Which type of tea has the largest leaves?Assam typeChina typeCambod typeDarjeeling typeQuestion 8 of 209. Which Indian region is NOT a major tea-growing area?DarjeelingAssamNilgirisRajasthanQuestion 9 of 2010. What chemical in tea gives it its stimulating effect?TheanineCaffeineTanninFlavonoidsQuestion 10 of 2011. According to Chinese legend, who accidentally discovered tea?Emperor ShennongBodhidharmaConfuciusEmperor Hui TsungQuestion 11 of 2012. What is Bodhidharma's association with tea?He first cultivated teaHe used tea to stay awake during meditationHe spread tea to EuropeHe wrote a book on teaQuestion 12 of 2013. How did tea reach Japan?Turkish traders brought itChinese Emperor gifted itJapanese priests brought it from ChinaPortuguese merchants introduced itQuestion 13 of 2014. Who introduced tea cultivation in India?Mughal rulersPortuguese tradersBritish East India CompanyChinese explorersQuestion 14 of 2015. Where was tea first successfully cultivated in India?DarjeelingAssamKeralaMaharashtraQuestion 15 of 2016. What is the name of the Russian tea kettle?TeapotSamovarKettlepotChai vesselQuestion 16 of 2017. What type of tea is used in Japanese tea ceremonies?Black teaGreen teaJasmine teaMatchaQuestion 17 of 2018. What is a common addition to Indian tea in the rainy season?CinnamonCardamomGingerLemonQuestion 18 of 2019. What antioxidants in tea help protect the body?TheanineFlavonoidsPolyphenolsTanninsQuestion 19 of 2020. What does the Chinese tea ceremony emphasize?Large tea cupsFilling the cup to the brimFriendship and affectionDrinking quicklyQuestion 20 of 20 Loading...
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