1. Spot the error in the spelling of the following words with reference to the passage and rewrite them correctly.
- renouned → renowned
- geomatric → geometric
- penting → painting
- circals → circles
- acheiving → achieving
- feetures → features
- figars → figures
- innar → inner
- vilage → village
- dicided → decided
- tribel → tribal
- mithology → mythology
- erthen → earthen
- mediam → medium
- differant → different
2. Complete the following diagram.
Characteristic features of Raza’s paintings
- Simple geometric shapes
- Striking colour combinations
- Captivating compositions
- Colours blue and orange
- Abstract style
- Balance and imbalance in design
- Use of circles, triangles, and lines
- Spiritual and philosophical themes
3. Complete the following with reference to the passage.
(a) Raza’s paintings do not depict lifelike human figures.
(b) Raza’s paintings are done in the abstract style.
(c) Raza’s paintings are not inspired by external factors.
(d) Raza’s paintings present images from his own inner mind.
(e) Raza’s paintings radiate peace and life.
(f) The bindu (dot) became the core of Raza’s paintings.
(g) For an artist like Raza, his work, or paintings, are an effective medium of communication.
4. Read the passage on ‘Gond Art’ carefully. Then complete the following sentences without going back to the passage.
(a) Gond art is a tribal art.
(b) The Gondi language is similar to Telugu, a Dravidian language.
(c) Originally, people used to draw pictures on the earthen walls of their houses.
(d) In folk arts, you yourself prepare the ‘canvas’ – the surface on which to draw and the colours with which you paint.
5. Write about the following important features of Gond art with the help of the passage.
Variation in drawing → Artists may vary their outlines, but the designs inside the drawing make it attractive.
Texture designs → Achieved using dots, lines, curves, and circles.
Developed and preserved by → Gond tribal people in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and nearby states.
A medium of → Recording history, culture, and nature.
Preparing the canvas (medium) → Traditionally drawn on walls and later on paper or cloth.
Preparing colour → Natural materials like tree bark, leaves, soil, and plant juice.
Outlines → Vary among artists but create an overall beautiful effect.
6. Why does the author think that the roots of folk art lie in women’s chores?
- Women naturally interact with colours while cooking.
- They decorate houses with traditional designs.
- Their creativity is shown in household activities and free time.
- Folk art developed from these everyday experiences.
7. From the passages, list the words related to – (a) geometry (b) colours (c) designs
(a) Geometry → shapes, circles, triangles, squares, lines
(b) Colours → blue, orange, natural, bright, striking
(c) Designs → dots, curves, patterns, textures
8. These two passages are examples of a short introduction to works of art – a short review. They cover the following points:
- Title
- Author/Director
- Main theme or story
- Characters and their roles
- Writing or visual style
- Message or moral
- Overall impression and recommendation
Short review of a film (Example: “3 Idiots”)
- Title: 3 Idiots
- Director: Rajkumar Hirani
- Theme: Friendship, education, and following dreams
- Characters: Rancho (Aamir Khan), Raju, Farhan, and Virus (principal)
- Style: Comedy with a strong social message
- Message: Success comes from passion, not pressure
- Overall impression: A must-watch film for students and parents
9. Complete the sentences (Adverb Clauses)
(a) Place → You may sit wherever you feel comfortable.
(b) Time → I entered the school before the morning assembly started.
(c) Manner → I love my country as a true patriot should.
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