1. Write what is implied in the following sentences.
(a) “But few know his inspirational life story, which is all about courage and fighting against the odds.”
- This tells us that Michael Faraday’s life was full of struggles, but he overcame them with determination and hard work.
(b) “Even then Davy did not have much hope for Faraday.”
- The words “even then” suggest that despite Faraday’s intelligence and dedication, Davy still did not believe he would succeed.
(c) “People started telling Davy that of all his discoveries, the best was Faraday himself.”
- This suggests that Faraday became more famous and successful than Davy, and people considered him Davy’s greatest achievement.
2. Break the passage into convenient smaller sections. Give sub-headings or titles to each section.
1. Early Life and Struggles
- Faraday was born in poverty and had a speech defect.
- He had no formal education and started working as a bookbinder at 13.
2. Introduction to Science
- He developed a passion for reading and learning.
- He attended Humphry Davy’s lecture and became interested in electricity.
3. Working with Davy
- Davy hired Faraday as his secretary, but did not believe in his abilities.
- Faraday worked hard and proved himself despite Davy’s discouragement.
4. Faraday’s First Great Discovery
- He discovered electromagnetic induction and invented the induction motor.
- This led to the invention of modern electric machines.
5. Challenges and Success
- Davy became jealous of Faraday and gave him impossible tasks.
- Faraday faced failure but never gave up.
6. Faraday’s Lasting Contributions
- He invented the electrical generator, which is used even today.
- His discoveries helped in modern science and communication systems.
3. List the different gadgets and instruments mentioned in the passage. Find more information about at least 3 of them, using the internet.
- Induction Motor
- Electrical Generator
- Bavarian Glass (used in telescopes and microscopes)
- Dynamo
- Electromagnetism Experiment (with wire and electric current)
Find more information about at least 3 of them:
1. Induction Motor: Converts electricity into continuous mechanical motion and is used in fans, air conditioners, and washing machines.
2. Electrical Generator: Converts mechanical energy into electricity and is used in power plants, cars, and wind turbines.
3. Dynamo: A small electrical generator that produces direct current (DC), used in bicycles and old cars.
4. Find out more about the following scientists with the help of the internet.
(a) Michael Faraday – Discovered electromagnetic induction and invented electric motors and generators.
(b) Humphry Davy – A chemist known for discovering several elements and inventing the Davy safety lamp.
(c) Thomas Edison – Invented the light bulb, phonograph, and motion picture camera.
(d) James Maxwell – Developed Maxwell’s equations, which explain electromagnetism and light waves.
5. Find the following matter in the passage and copy the missing words.
(a) When he was twelve, his mother was forced to take him out of school.
(b) One day he came across a book on electricity while binding books.
(c) Faraday decided that he wanted to become a great scientist.
(d) Davy never believed that Faraday could do anything great in science.
(e) People started telling Davy that of all his discoveries, Faraday himself was the greatest.
(f) He handed him a piece of Bavarian glass, which was used in telescope and microscope lenses.
(g) He went on to prove that the circular patterns made by iron filings around a magnet were due to invisible magnetic fields.
(h) It was Maxwell who translated Faraday’s ideas into scientific equations.
6. Now complete the following sentences using your own words.
(a) When he was twelve, he had to leave school because his family was very poor.
(b) One day he came across a book on electricity, and it became his lifelong fascination.
(c) He decided that he wanted to become a great scientist like Davy.
(d) He never believed that Faraday could make any scientific discoveries.
(e) People started telling Davy that his greatest discovery was not a scientific principle, but Faraday himself.
(f) He handed him a piece of Bavarian glass, which was used in telescopes and microscopes.
(g) He went on to prove that magnetic fields could influence light and electricity.
(h) It was James Maxwell who converted Faraday’s discoveries into mathematical equations.
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