1. Answer the following questions:
(a) Did Twain tell the barber who he was?
→ No, Twain did not reveal his identity to the barber. He simply listened to the barber talk about his own lecture.
(b) Was Twain particular about how he dressed when he was visiting friends?
→ No, Twain was not very particular about his dress. When Mrs. Stowe pointed out that he was not wearing a collar and tie, he sent them in a package instead of wearing them.
(c) Was Twain particular about what words he used?
→ Yes, Twain was careful and humorous with words. He even proposed a funny plan for reforming English spelling.
(d) Do you think Twain approved of spelling reforms? Give reasons for your answer.
→ Twain joked about spelling reforms but did not actually support them. His humorous plan showed how extreme changes in spelling could make English difficult to read.
(e) How did Twain explain the spider in the paper? What did he want to highlight?
→ Twain said the spider was looking for a shop that didn’t advertise so it could spin its web in peace. He wanted to highlight the importance of advertising in newspapers.
2. Read the following and write the two meanings of ‘mind’ and ‘matter’:
Quote: “Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.”
Word | Meaning 1 | Meaning 2 |
Mind | To care about something | The human brain or thoughts |
Matter | Something important | Physical substance |
3. Enact any one anecdote in the classroom.
→ Students can act out the barber shop anecdote, where Twain talks to a barber who does not recognize him.
4. Translate any five of the quotations you like.
“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
→ सत्य बोलल्यास काहीही लक्षात ठेवण्याची गरज नसते.
“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
→ जेव्हा तुम्ही बहुसंख्य लोकांच्या बाजूने असता, तेव्हा विचार करण्याची वेळ असते.
“It’s no wonder that truth is stranger than fiction. Fiction has to make sense.”
→ हे आश्चर्य नाही की सत्य कल्पनेपेक्षा विचित्र असते. कारण कल्पनेला अर्थपूर्ण असावे लागते.
“A person with a new idea is a crank until the idea succeeds.”
→ नवीन कल्पना असलेली व्यक्ती मूर्ख वाटते, जोपर्यंत ती कल्पना यशस्वी होत नाही.
“Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint.”
→ आरोग्यविषयक पुस्तके वाचताना सावधान रहा. चुकीच्या छपाईमुळे तुम्हाला काही होऊ शकते.
5. Form groups of four to six. Discuss whether and how you can improve English spelling.
→ Students can discuss Twain’s humorous spelling reform plan and whether simplifying English spelling would help or create confusion.
6. Arrange a ‘Jokes’ session in the classroom where each student tells a joke in English.
→ This activity encourages speaking skills and humor.
7. Language Study: Passive Voice Examples
Active Voice | Passive Voice |
Twain wrote many humorous stories. | Many humorous stories were written by Twain. |
The teacher told us an anecdote. | An anecdote was told to us by the teacher. |
People enjoy Twain’s humor. | Twain’s humor is enjoyed by people. |
The newspaper published his article. | His article was published by the newspaper. |
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