1. List all the names of geographical places mentioned in the passage:
- China
- India
- Japan
- Russia
- Korea
- Mongolia
- Vietnam
- Darjeeling (India)
- Assam (India)
- Nilgiris (India)
- Bhutan
- Brahmaputra Valley
2. Make smaller words using the letters in the given words:
- actually → act, all, tall, call, ally
- refreshing → fresh, sing, ring, her, grin
- immediately → media, late, diet, time, tale
- investigations → invest, nation, gate, stone, sign
- meditation → media, edit, tide, date, note
- enjoyable → enjoy, able, bay, loan, job
- loneliness → lone, line, less, lies, son
- friendship → friend, ship, end, dip, rip
3. Copy correctly any three sentences that begin with “How”:
- How and when did people first begin to drink tea?
- How did this magical beverage get its name?
- How did tea first come to India?
4. Find the meanings of the following words from a dictionary:
- Infusion → A drink made by soaking leaves or herbs in hot water.
- Restorative → Something that helps regain health or strength.
- Inscriptions → Words written or carved on a surface.
- Radicals → Harmful molecules in the body that can cause diseases.
- Connoisseurs → People who have great knowledge and taste in something, like food or art.
5. List the words related to:
(a) Agriculture:
- Plantation
- Leaves
- Soil
- Harvest
- Growth
(b) Chemistry:
- Caffeine
- Theanine
- Antioxidants
- Flavonoids
- Infusion
6. Complete the following sentences with the help of the passage:
(a) Camellia sinensis is an evergreen plant that grows in tropical and sub-tropical climates.
(b) The teas we buy are usually classified according to their leaf size.
(c) In many countries around the world, tea drinking is an important social occasion.
(d) Our body produces chemicals called free radicals.
7. Flowchart: Growth and Journey of Tea from Plantation to Our Homes
Plantation → Leaves picked → Leaves dried and cured → Leaves processed → Packed and sold to us
8. Find all the words or pairs of words that begin with “tea”:
- Teapot
- Tea plants
- Tea-making
- Tea club
- Tea ceremony
- Tea estate
- Tea leaves
Compound words found in the passage:
- Evergreen → Ever + green
- Blood pressure → Blood + pressure
- Everyday → Every + day
9. Underline the infinitive in the following sentences:
- It was funny to read words that stood still.
- To be or not to be – that is the question.
- Can I read the book?
- They could help one another with the homework and talk about it.
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